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The Rookie Entrepreneur

person icon Funke Medun

The Rookie Entrepreneur

A simple story with practical guides on starting and running a sustainable business


This eBook includes

Formats : PDF (Read Only)

Pages : 149

ISBN : 978-978-982-820-3

Language : English

About the Book

Book description

The Rookie Entrepreneur is a manual that comes handy for aspiring entrepreneurs, start-ups, and existing entrepreneurs. It is a relatable story with cradle to maturity practical guides on systems required for a successful business. The Rookie Entrepreneur takes a look at the life of Nneka Badejo, a fictional character, who once excelled in the banking sector until the global economic meltdown, which resulted in her being laid off. After unsuccessfully trying to secure another job, with the nudge of her childhood friend, Rita – a chartered accountant – she decides to turn her hobby for baking into a business. NBSweets, her cake shop, was born. Like most new start-ups, the first few months of her business were not encouraging. At the point of considering giving up, she is introduced to Mrs. Anifowose, an entrepreneur in her 50s, who has been in business for twenty-five years. Anifowose eventually becomes Nneka’s mentor. Through her encouragement, Nneka attends a six months course on Starting and Running a Business, organized by the Nigerian Women Entrepreneur Club (NWEC), a non-profitable organisation dedicated to the development of women in business. NBSweets was on the right track, according to its business plan. Then disaster struck, disrupting every carefully laid plan. How did Nneka react? Did NBSweets bounce back? Find out!

The Rookie Entrepreneur

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Author Details

Funke Medun

Funke Medun

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