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The Digital Marketing Landscape

person icon Business Expert Press

The Digital Marketing Landscape

Creating a Synergistic Consumer Experience


This eBook includes

Formats : PDF (Read Only)

Pages : 104

ISBN : 9781637420348

Language : English

About the Book

Book description

This book is geared towards both students and professionals looking to explore the interconnectedness of digital technologies for marketing and branding purposes.

The field of marketing has seen an evolution in how brands communicate with consumers, how consumers communicate with brands, and how consumers communicate with one another. Digital technologies such as mobile phones, the internet, social media, and email contribute to what is known as the digital marketing landscape. Digital marketing offers unique ways to meet consumers where they are, engage with potential and existing consumers, capture the voice of the consumer; allow consumers to be part of a brand narrative.

This book is geared towards both students and professionals looking to explore the interconnectedness of digital technologies for marketing and branding purposes. This book offers an overview of the digital marketing landscape and how the various elements of digital can work synergistically. When the power of an integrated digital strategy is optimized, both consumers and brands benefit.

The Digital Marketing Landscape serves as a practical guide for both students and professionals in a variety of settings. Readers will become familiar with terminology, understand how the different areas of digital marketing connect and work together, and gain the knowledge needed to generate valuable and actionable managerial insights for more informed decision-making.

The Digital Marketing Landscape

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Business Expert Press

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