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Solving for Technology

person icon David Clinton

Solving for Technology

How to quickly learn valuable new skills in a madly changing technology world


This eBook includes

Formats : PDF, EPUB (Read Only)

Pages : 101

ISBN : 978-1976916175

Language : English

About the Book

Book description

No matter how good you are at what you do today, tomorrow will likely demand that you learn new skills. Remember Fortran, 32-bit microprocessors, and mainframes? One day, perhaps sooner than we think, JavaScript and Docker might feel just as obscure. What's your plan to keep up with the latest tech skills? Start with questions:

  • Which new technologies are most likely to impact your career?
  • Which make the most sense to learn?
  • What tools exist to help you with your learning?
  • How can you quickly find effective tech learning resources - preferably resources that come online to your home for free?
  • What's the best way to go about building those new skills?

Solving for Technology gives you all the background, methodologies, and tools you'll need to make smart career and educational choices. The tips, tricks, and technology introductions in the book are there to help you manage professional change. Using them, you'll be able to know where to focus and pretty much learn anything faster than you ever have before.It's not magic: you'll need hard work and commitment to learn any new technology. But it is possible.


In this book, you'll learn:

  • Which new technologies are most likely to impact your career?
  • Which make the most sense to learn?
  • What tools exist to help you with your learning?
  • How can you quickly find effective tech learning resources - preferably resources that come online to your home for free?
  • What's the best way to go about building those new skills?
Solving for Technology

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Author Details

David Clinton

David Clinton

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