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Self Help book : Do the things you don't like!

person icon Renaud Demaret

Self Help book : Do the things you don't like!

Master your mind to achieve more


This eBook includes

Formats : PDF (Read Only)

Pages : 141

ISBN : 979-8364780881

Language : English

About the Book

Book description

We all have moments in our lives when we desperately need a radical change without being able to explain why. This always happens when we experience a major physical, mental or emotional trauma (a breakup you didn't see coming, one too many humiliations, the death of a loved one, a terrible accident, an unexpected life-altering event, failing, the feeling of hitting rock bottom).

These life-changing dramatic events give us a good uppercut in the face and turn the polarity of our mind from : "I'm sick of it!" to: "I'm going to do everything to change it!", “thiscan’t keep going!", "I deserve better than this!", "I can do better than this!".

"BANG! Something inevitable is being born in you! This is the fuel you needed to move toward your new life and change things."

This book exists to guide you in your desire for change. It will help you strengthen your spirit and turn you into what I call: a modern warrior, giving you the mental strength you need to take on challenges you never thought you could before.

After reading this book, you will no longer be a "normal" person, you will be part of the "mental elite". You will experience how powerful you are, how unstoppable your rise in the world is. You will feel in control of your life again after failures or disappointments that may have seemed insurmountable in the past.

I want you to close this book thinking, "I can do anything!" because you can, you have crazy potential, but society has not yet done anything to help you reveal it. This book will show you the way to regain balance of body and mind, and save you from the lies and depression that can exist in your life.

I wrote this book out of pain, as a brutal response to my woes, and it has become my remedy, and it will be yours or your loved ones'. No matter how hopeless your situation seems right now, how old you are, how much money you have, or what you want to change in your life, I am convinced that this book will ignite the little spark that is already burning inside you.

Nothing is ever over,
No one is ever defeated by life,
And your journey is just beginning, now, here...


Simple, true and powerful personal development books.

 Renaud Demaret's books give you the smacks you need to get pumped up, help you shift your mental perspective, and develop a fighting mindset.

 The author writes like he talks, he cuts to the chase to help you unleash your potential and get you into action.  His books inspire the majority of his readers, because in addition to being accompanied by practical exercises, they are simple, true, inspiring and unfussy.

  • Go beyond your mental, physical and emotional limits.
  • Change your life or your outlook on life.
  • Prepare to be shaken.
  • Transform yourself.
  • Realize your craziest challenges.
Self Help book : Do the things you don't like!

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Renaud Demaret

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