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Marketing in the Digital World

person icon Business Expert Press

Marketing in the Digital World

Analyzes the digital and social media dynamics of the virtual world

person icon Kapoor

ebook icon Business Expert Press

language icon Language - English

updated on icon Updated on Oct, 2022

category icon Marketing,Digital,Internet


This eBook includes

Formats : PDF (Read Only)

Pages : 118

ISBN : 9781948580052

Language : English

About the Book

Book description

The author explores and analyzes the digital and social media dynamics of the virtual world, including the mechanism involved in bringing targeted traffic and increasing brand awareness in the real-time programmatic and algorithmic world of communication, where the new digital world is progressively being propelled by the blockchain-enabled social media platforms.

Intelligent corporates are becoming data-driven and AI-powered enterprises to compete, differentiate, and successfully reach consumers. This book develops a critical understanding of the digital marketing landscape. The author explores and examines the various aspects of the digital marketing process and their implications. It takes an in-depth look at what firms can do to pioneer and successfully execute digital marketing innovations in a mobile-synchronized and mobile-optimized world for building and sustaining online customer relationships and loyalty.

The author explores and analyzes the digital and social media dynamics of the virtual world, including the mechanism involved in bringing targeted traffic and increasing brand awareness in the real-time programmatic and algorithmic world of communication, where the new digital world is progressively being propelled by the blockchain-enabled social media platforms.

In this connected world, the consumers are connected with portals of interactive multi-smart shared interfaces. Kapoor discusses and demonstrates that practitioners should direct their endeavors more toward fostering a positive brand image and consumer-based brand equity than short-range transactions. This book is intended for a broad audience including students and professors in graduate business schools, and practicing business executives.

The goal is to inform management practice and help current and future business leaders navigate through the competitive storms unleashed by digital technology for reaching market segments, conducting market research, and for managing content, no matter what industry it is.

Marketing in the Digital World

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