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Divine Power

person icon Professor Sanjay Rout

ebook icon ISL Publications

language icon Language - English

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

category icon Other


This eBook includes

Formats : PDF (Downlodable)

Pages : 44

ISBN : 8222665197

Language : English

About the Book

Book description

Spírítúal belíefs make contríbútíons to how we make feel of oúr global. They contaín transcendent ídeals and storíes that coúld elícít and foster properly-beíng, motíve, connectedness. Belíefs dístíngúísh ús from one another, and addítíonally be part of ús together. Ín that líne of common sense, spírítúalíty ís ínherently relatíonal. Ít coúrses oúr connectíons wíth others. Ít ís a relatíonal phenomenon. Spírítúal belíefs are socíally búílt, evolved and núrtúred vía commúníty, and solídífíed vía langúage úsed wíthín yoúr famíly or socíal machíne.

Divine Power

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