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AI Made Simple: Your Introduction to ChatGPT

person icon William Bermudez

AI Made Simple: Your Introduction to ChatGPT

For beginners to learn how to manipulate end-user prompts using OpenAI's ChatGPT model.


This eBook includes

Formats : PDF (Read Only)

Pages : 79

ISBN : B0C42V4Q54

Edition : 1

Language : English

About the Book

Book description

AI Made Simple: Your Introduction to ChatGPT is the quintessential resource for anyone interested in delving into the world of AI language models, particularly OpenAI's ChatGPT.

In Chapter One, we start with the basics, making this book an excellent resource for beginners and experts alike. We introduce ChatGPT, explaining what it is and how it fits into the wider landscape of AI language models. The chapter delves into the intricacies of how ChatGPT works, explaining everything from the deep neural network architecture to the mechanism by which it generates text. This chapter concludes by providing real-world examples and guiding the reader on how to start their journey with ChatGPT.

Chapter Two takes a deep dive into the training and fine-tuning of AI language models. It elucidates the process of pre-training and fine-tuning, demystifies the concept of hyperparameters, and provides practical examples of how keywords and context play a vital role in fine-tuning.

Chapter Three is all about the art of prompting. Here, you'll learn how to craft effective prompts using a simple 3-step rule, the importance of context and relevance, and advanced techniques such as priming. This chapter is packed with practical exercises and tips that will help you master the art of interacting with AI models.

In Chapter Four, we bring theory into the real world, presenting a collection of practical examples and applications of ChatGPT in various fields. Whether you're in academia, programming, marketing, or simply interested in personal applications, you'll find compelling use-cases that demonstrate the potential of this technology. The chapter concludes by discussing emerging trends and the potential impact on job creation and the future of work.

The previous final chapter, Chapter Five, navigates through the ethical concerns and limitations of AI. It encourages the reader to think critically about these issues and understand the responsibility that comes with using such powerful technology.

In the newest edition on TutorialsPoint, we cover the new chapter of Hallucinations & Data Validity, an extremely important topic detailing how your data produced by AI may not be as legitimate as it seems, as well as a few points on how to minimize these 'hallucinations'.

AI Made Simple: Your Introduction to ChatGPT is more than a book. It's a journey through the fascinating world of AI language models, providing you with the tools and knowledge you need to harness their power effectively and responsibly.

Whether you are an AI enthusiast, a student, a researcher, a developer, or a business professional, this book will provide you with a thorough understanding of ChatGPT and help you unlock its immense potential. Embark on this journey with us, and let's shape the future of AI together!


The goal of this book is to provide a stable, beginner-friendly guide to end-user prompt manipulation. In simple terms, we are attempting to learn how to use ChatGPT to land jobs, increase productivity, remove busywork, and improve our day to day lives. This is great for beginners or those with little technical expertise. I would not recommend this book to advanced developers looking to integrate into an API, as this does not cover those topics. 

AI Made Simple: Your Introduction to ChatGPT

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Author Details

William Bermudez

William Bermudez

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