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Affiliate Marketing Formula - Action-Based Book For Independent Learners

person icon Thiea Alhoz

Affiliate Marketing Formula - Action-Based Book For Independent Learners

A Complete Step-By-Step Guide To Mastering Affiliate Marketing & Building An Online Business Independently.


This eBook includes

Formats : PDF (Read Only)

Pages : 198

ISBN : 9798792653894

Edition : 02

Language : English

About the Book

Book description

The Affiliate Marketing Formula is an action-based book and a complete step-by-step guide for solopreneurs to grow an affiliate marketing business from scratch without outsourcing help. The book is carefully structured into modules, each containing various parts and assignments. As you advance through, you’ll actively build your Affiliate Marketing business by completing the assignments within each part.


  • For anyone who wants to master affiliate marketing and build an online business and run it independently.
  • For total beginners who want to start an online business from scratch, with affiliate marketing as a primary business model and source of income.
  • For existing entrepreneurs & business owners planning to integrate affiliate marketing to create a new income stream and increase profit.


  • Basic computer skills.
  • You know your way around the Internet Browser, and you're able to search and find information online, and use search engines like Google, YouTube, Amazon or others.
  • A basic understanding of content creation and targeted content. You do not need to know anything in-depth yet, but knowing the basic underlying mechanics is helpful.



"This is not just a book on affiliate marketing, it is so much more."

“The affiliate marketing formula does not only tell you all you need to know about affiliate marketing, it also applies it into a business context, the context of a solopreneur. You are provided with steps on getting started with specific tools and it covers mindset, challenges and even provides you with tips on how to overcome these. It doesn’t matter if you’re brand new to the term or already familiar, there is so much valuable knowledge in this book – you might even read it solely for the perspective of being a solopreneur.

Still in doubt? You’re welcome to reach out to me personally and I’ll happily convince you why this book is worth the money!”

– Alex – Photographer & Digital Nomad


  • Understand the fundamentals of Affiliate Marketing as a business model.
  • Build a business strategy that enables you to start an online business independently.
  • Define your niche (target market) & the people who will benefit from your business.
  • Use FREE & affordable tools to establish a professional online presence as a beginner.
  • Create, design and optimise a business website and build a brand and a visual identity without any previous experience.
  • Select and optimise the right Social Media channels to promote your business and products and connect with your audience.
  • Research and evaluate affiliate products using affiliate networks and search engines.
  • Create the best list of affiliate products to promote. These products should be the ones with the highest potential for sales and success.
  • Submit applications to join affiliate programs.
  • Manage your application process and learn what to do after receiving approvals from generating affiliate links and marketing materials.
  • Define quality content, and the best type of content to produce, to promote products and build long-lasting relationships with your audience.
  • Set up a content strategy, and schedule and structure your promotional content around the products you are an affiliate for.
  • Create a content calendar and grow and constantly improve your content creation skills.
  • Initiate and establish successful collaborations with other business owners to grow your business and brand.
  • Build an e-mail list and send business e-mails to your subscribers and communicate directly with them.
  • Maintain a successful business in the long run and explore different methods that help you detect potential setbacks and how to overcome them.
Affiliate Marketing Formula - Action-Based Book For Independent Learners

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Author Details

Thiea Alhoz

Thiea Alhoz

Hi friends,

My name is Thiea, I'm an author & online marketer based in Copenhagen, Denmark. And I am super excited to be a part of the community!

I aim to help entrepreneurial people build their online businesses and grow an online presence and a visual identity they’re in love with and proud to share with the world. What I love about my work is witnessing and encouraging others to explore their potential and personal interests, give their individualities a chance, and help them work on their online business goals.

I joined to share my knowledge and experience around building an online business and multiple income streams, aiming to help others get a better kickstart to their online business.

Thank you for stopping by my page and I hope you're enjoying my content!

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