Easy Ways to Unsubscribe Unwanted Emails

Do you receive countless newsletters and varied other promotional emails? It is a common practice to send newsletters from retail websites. Technically speaking, these emails are not Spam-they are from legitimate companies. Thanks to the legal act, where every legitimate organization provides a better and consistent way to unsubscribe from their letters.

From next time onwards, if you wish not to receive emails from these legitimate companies, do not just click the spam or trash button. Unsubscribe those emails and keep your inbox clean. It’s not that easy, sometimes these links gets buried under a swath of ads or fine print. At that point, many consider unsubscribing a pain, rather they opt easy method, they just delete those new emails.

Few Email providers have recognized this problem and Stepped into to make it easy to Unsubscribe

For Gmail users, Gmail has made it much easier to unsubscribe unwanted email newsletter and other bulk emails. Individuals can open a message, then click on the unsubscribe link and Gmail would automatically remove their email address from the mailing list. But the drawback is that, this particular option is available on Gmail website and in case if the individuals are using Gmail on their varied mobile devices or are accessing Gmail from app’s such as Drop box or Outlook, then this option is not available.

Unsubscribe from Bulk mail in Gmail

In most cases, the unsubscribe link is found, then script opens the link and the e-mail is unsubscribed. In a few cases, the bulk sender might require you to send a message to a special email address in order to unsubscribe and the script is capable of doing that as well.

  • Click here in order to copy Gmail unsubscribe sheet to your Google Drive.
  • Next, go to Google Menu in the sheet and select Authorize. Entire scripts access your Gmail account. It is an open source, Google script runs in your drive and advantage not even a single byte of data is shared with others.
  • In the same menu, start and pick a name for your Gmail label and save changes.

By following the above steps, Gmail unsubscribe program is installed and runs in the background. The individuals can apply unsubscribe label to any message and you will not receive unwanted messages.

This is a third party service, by opting for this service, you will not receive unsolicited bulk email, but remember that, you must provide access to your complete Gmail mailbox as well Gmail contacts. After subscribing for the above services you will find that your inbox to be junk free, which you can easily combine your preferred subscriptions into a daily digest email known as Rollup.

From Mailing list in Gmail, how to Unsubscribe?

The legitimate bulk email senders does include a list of unsubscribe field in the message header which contains a URL or email address for unsubscribing from a mailing list.

You can view those details by opening the bulk message inside Gmail and then you are required to select “show original” from the menu. In some cases, the unsubscribe link might be included in the message body having anchor text stating “click here to unsubscribe”- the script recognizes all those links and opens them for you and helps to remove your email address from the mailing list.

Unroll me

Features of Rollup

  • Easy on eyes
  • Intuitive categories
  • Secure and easy

No doubt unroll me services is convenient but, would anyone be ready to offer full access of their email account to any third party?

Send Email to “Remove Me” or “Unsubscribe”

Few companies do not use a sophisticated method but instead rely on manual methods of email marketing workflow. Due to this, you might find instruction stating to reply to their email and replace the subject line either with remove or unsubscribe.

Sometimes after sending this email, you might find that, still you are receiving those unwanted emails, in that case, do send the email again because other end person might be busy and might not have checked your first mail. Mostly many companies respond when you send first mail, but in few cases, you are required to send mail again to remind them, that you no longer are interested to receive any newsletter from them.

Set up a Filter to Delete Incoming Emails

Few senders have a bizarre unsubscribe process, wherein you require to login to their system-it simply means remembering your password- so that you can update your email preferences. If you find an unsubscribe process annoying, then simply set up a filter in order to delete any future email sent those organizations.

You can set up a filter in less than 30 seconds. For that, you need to check the email you wish to unsubscribe and then click More>Filter messages. Then click, create filters with this search. Lastly, check the boxes delete it. You can also apply filters to # matching conversations. Click create filter. By following the above process you will never see unwanted messages in your inbox again.

Wish to Provide Feedback

If you are unsubscribing for specific reason else you would have continued to be their subscriber. You wish to offer few feedbacks, which might be helpful to their organization. The feedback could be, you are receiving too many emails in a week or the offers provided by their organization are not so beneficial.

The feedback provided by you might be very useful to the email marketing people, so that they will not repeat similar mistakes. In case you have time, go ahead and send your feedback, but while sending feedback remember to write email in a friendly manner and not insulting manner. If you do not have the time, no worries, just stick to the above steps and get rid of unwanted emails.

Do not share your Email Address or Password

Sometimes unknowingly you tend to share your email address and password of your email address. Those who have access to your email addresses and passwords might subscribe to unwanted emails. So next time do not share your email address or password to anyone whom you do not trust.

Next time, when you subscribe for any email, think twice, whether it is beneficial to have those newsletter if not, do not subscribe them and save yourself from getting trapped by unwanted emails.

Updated on: 16-Jan-2020


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