Early Internet Of Things - The World's First IoT Device

Open and honest conversation is essential for innovation. The Internet of Things (IoT) was the technology that made devices share data. The phrase "internet of things" was coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999, when the Internet was still in its infancy. The term "smart sensors" gained popularity after it was used as the title of Ashton's presentation on a new sensor technology he was developing.

Did you know that the first IoT gadget was developed to facilitate convenience store soda runs? Yes, you heard us right!

Carnegie Mellon University created the first Internet of Things device in the early 1980s. To save time and effort if the campus Coke machine ran out of soda, a group of students designed a way to make it broadcast its inventory status through a network. Microswitches were installed in the vending machine to notify the availability of cold Coke cans.

Long before Internet-connected umbrellas, juicers, water bottles, or industries, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, had a Coke machine that reported its inventory over the Internet. Despite its evident antiquity in contemporary technology, it is the first Internet of Things (IoT) device ever constructed.

What Is the Internet Of Things (IoT)?

Before we get into the specifics of our first IoT device, let's go through what the term "Internet of Things" means. A network connection is utilized to connect various devices, which is what the Internet of Things is. When these devices communicate data with a central server, we refer to them as part of an Internet of Things network. This connectivity and communication are made possible by SIM cards or radio technology in gadgets, paving the way for many technical possibilities. Looking back at the history of IoT, we can see how some of these numerous possibilities have played out and guess where it may go in the future.

Understanding The Concept

Even though the phrase "Internet of Things" did not arise until 1999, a Coca-Cola machine from the 1980s is occasionally claimed as the first true example of an IoT. Before heading out to fetch a beverage, local programmers would use the Internet to connect to the refrigerator and determine whether any drinks were available or cold.

However, while working at CERN in 1989, British scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (WWW). Because this occurred after the creation of the coke machine, it cannot be considered the original IoT that many believe it to be.

So, what was the first Internet of Things device? Well, the first Internet-of-Things (IoT) device was a toaster invented by John Romkey in 1990. Many specialists say it was the first IoT because it was built later than the WWW. By 1991, the technique had been entirely automated, with a crane system inserting the bread.

The Trojan Room Coffee Pot, a prototype camera, was installed in a room at the University of Cambridge in 1993 to monitor the coffee supply.

Evolution Of IoT

After coco cola machine and toaster, there was the invention of a rabbit-shaped ambient electronic gadget that could inform its users. It was initially released as an early version of smart home gadgets in June 2005.

The commercial growth of Internet-enabled gadgets in 2008 heralded the official start of the Internet of Things. Even back then, it was expected that the number of Internet of Things-enabled devices would someday outnumber people. As of 2013, the IoT was a system that integrated various technologies, including the Internet and wireless communication, and MEMS and embedded systems.

Advertisers welcomed smartphones into the Internet of Things with wide arms in 2015. Marketing teams collect sensor data from these devices to adapt offers to the specific customer and the item's present position. This IoT got so popular in 2018 that the healthcare industry took advantage of it.

During the covid-19 outbreak, heat detection cameras began to appear in several public settings in 2020 to monitor people's body temperatures. Many news outlets discussed IoT around the turn of the century when many key advances paved the ground for its widespread adoption in the years to come. According to industry analysts, there are already over 27 billion IoT devices, which is expected to grow to over 100 billion by 2030.

IoT Became More Accessible

While IoT has existed since the 1990s, IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) was another upcoming technology that didn't see significant adoption until 2010. Then, the price of sensors fell enough to make a complete application economically viable. This was crucial since IIoT relied on a complex network of interconnected devices.

Improvements in accessibility and affordability not only benefited industrial applications. Smart cities quickly became a reality with the advent of cheap and widely available Internet of Things devices. Around this period, wearable technology began to take advantage of the widespread availability of sensors small enough to be employed in any gadget. 2015 was when the Internet of Things (IoT) fully became mobile, with the general use of smartphones, watches, monitoring devices, and GPS trackers.


Even though coca cola the vending machine was the first IoT device, before the invention of IoT and WWW, it cannot be officially considered as such. However, officially or unofficially, the toaster is regarded as the first IoT device after Tim Berners-Lee invented WWW (world wide web).

After 20 years of development, the Internet of Things (IoT) business is in for an unpredictable five more years. Like the already-popular blockchain, which is expected to continue its growth, AI is seen as the next big thing in the Internet of Things.

Updated on: 14-Feb-2023

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