Dryer Sheet Alternatives

What is Dryer Sheet?

A dryer sheet is a fabric that consists of fragrances, lubricants, and liquid softeners. The sheets are made up of cellulose or polyester and can be included in the laundry. They are used to add fragrance and remove static electricity which is caused inside the dryer.

Why Dryer Sheet alternatives?

A dryer sheet can be used to add fragrance and soften the clothes but there are a few disadvantages which are listed below:

  • The ingredients used are harmful

  • They are not tested for safety

  • Full ingredients are not displayed

  • Dryer sheets are injurious to health

How to choose a Dryer Sheet Alternative?

Dryer sheets have many advantages too but if you are not satisfied with its usage, you can look for alternatives that have the following benefits −

  • Fabrics smell fresh

  • Wrinkles are reduced

  • Clothes become soft

  • Static electricity on the clothes is reduced

Top 10 Dryer Sheet Alternatives

Dryer sheets have many alternatives and we will discuss some of them in detail.

Alternative 1 – Wool Dryer Balls

Wool Dryer Balls are considered as one of the excellent alternatives to dryer sheets. These balls have the ability to make your laundry soft in a natural way without using any chemicals. Wool dryer balls also absorb moisture and shorten the time for drying the clothes. Clothes dry evenly as dry balls prevent the clothes from getting tangled. Towels, blankets, clothes, etc. can be softened easily.

Alternative 2 – Eco Nuts

Eco nuts are dried berries that are obtained from trees in India that contain saponin. The task of saponin is to remove dirt from the clothes. These nuts have to be added to the washer cabin of your washing machine. These nuts can also be added to the dryer which releases saponin due to heat. Clothes become fragrant and free from static electricity.

Alternative 3 – Vinegar

Vinegar is also considered as an excellent replacement for dryer sheets. People have to add at least ¼ cup of vinegar when the clothes are being washed in the washing machine. It can also be added to the clothes in the dryer. White or apple cider vinegar is considered as the best one to be used in place of dryer sheets.

Alternative 4 – Baking Soda

Baking soda can be added to the water before adding detergent. This is a natural alternative to a dryer sheet. Half a cup of baking soda should be added and it makes the clothes soft and wrinkles are also reduced. Baking soda also has the ability of absorbing odors from the clothes. If the clothes are full of bad smell, a few drops of essential oils along with baking soda should be added.

Alternative 5 – Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil can be found easily in the drawer. The aluminum foil cut has the size of 3 feet and it should be wrapped around a ball. When clothes are being rolled in the dryer, Electrons are created as the dryer starts drying the clothes. The aluminum sheet prevents the formation of positive and negative charged electrons.

Alternative 6 – Hang Dry

The purest form of alternative to dryer sheets is that clothes should be hang dry. If the clothes are dried in such a way, fragrance of detergent will remain on it for a long time. No chemicals are used and the clothes are bleached naturally through sunlight. The colors of the clothes do not fade. In the cod season, the clothes should be hand dried inside.

Alternative 7 – Ice Cubes

Ice Cubes are also considered as a great alternative to Dryer Sheets. Ice cubes can reduce wrinkles and remove static electricity from the clothes. Ice cubes should be added in the last 15 minutes of the drying cycle to get their benefits. This will help in ironing the clothes easily. The wrinkles are released as ice cubes turn into steam due to heat.

Alternative 8 – Dryer Balls with Essential Oils

Essential oils can be used with the dryer balls to provide scent and freshness to the clothes. The most common essential oils are chamomile and lavender. You just need to add a few drops of oil to the woolen dryer balls and dry them before using. When the balls are dried, add them to the dryer and the scent will be transferred to the clothes and they will be available for 3 to 6 washes

Alternative 9 – Reusable Dryer Sheets

Dryer sheets can result in lots of waste. It is better to use reusable dryer sheets which are made up of natural fabrics. These sheets are free from fragrance and chemicals. These sheets can be added to the dryer while drying the clothes. These sheets are not for single use. They can be used for months to soften clothes and remove static electricity.

Alternative 10 – Borax

Borax is an alternative to the dryer sheets which can be used easily to make the clothes free from wrinkles. Before loading the washer, add ¼ cup of borax. The function of the borax is the same as that of dryer sheets. They remove wrinkles and static and also clothes do not get tangled. It is friendly to the environment in comparison to the dryer sheets.


Dryer sheets are used to add fragrance to the clothes and reduce wrinkles while drying them. Dryer sheets contain chemicals which may not be good for the skin. There are many natural alternatives available which are free from such chemicals and do their job well.

Updated on: 07-Jun-2023


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