Draw a line, say $AB$, take a point $C$ outside it. Through $C$, draw a line parallel to $AB$ using ruler and compasses only.

To do: To draw a line, say $AB$, take a point $C$ outside it. Through $C$, draw a line parallel to $AB$ using a ruler and compasses only.

Follow the steps:
  • Draw a line, AB, and take a point C outside this line. Take any point P on AB. Join C to P.
  • Taking P as a center and a convenient radius, draw an arc intersecting line AB at D and PC at E.
  • Taking C as the center and the same radius in the previous step, draw an arc FG intersecting PC at H.
  • Adjust the compass up to the length of DE. Without changing the opening of the compass and taking H as the center, draw an arc to intersect arc HG at point I.
  • Join the points C and I to draw the line l as shown in the figure.
Thus, line l is parallel to line AB.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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