Draw a circle using Arcade in Python3

Arcade is a Python library that is used to create 2D games and applications. It is an easy-to-use library that provides various functionality to create an interface for drawing shapes and images on the screen. In this article, we will use Arcade and draw a Circle in Python3.

Installing Arcade

Before we can start drawing circles, we need to install the Arcade library. You can install it using pip, the package manager for Python −

Pip install arcade

Drawing a circle in Arcade

Method 1: Using the arcade.draw_circle() method

We can use the draw_circle method of the Arcade module to draw the circle on the screen. The steps to draw the circle in explained in the algorithm below.


arcade.draw_circle_filled(x, y, radius, color)

The parameters passed to the arcade.draw_circle functions are −

  • x − The x-coordinate of the center point of the circle.

  • y − The y-coordinate of the center point of the circle.

  • radius − The radius of the circle.

  • color − The color of the circle, specified as an arcade.color constant, a tuple of RGB values, or a tuple of RGBA values. For example, you could use arcade.color.RED to specify a red circle, or (255, 0, 0) to specify the same color using RGB values.


  • Import the arcade library.

  • Set the window width and height.

  • Create a window using the open_window function, passing in the width, height, and title of the window.

  • Give the background color of the window using the set_background_color function. In this case, we set it to white.

  • start the rendering process using the start_render function.

  • Define the center point, radius, and color of the circle we want to draw.

  • Draw the circle using the draw_circle_filled function, passing in the center point, radius, and color.

  • Finish the rendering process using the finish_render function.

  • Start the event loop using the run function, which displays the window and waits for user input.


In the below example, the arcade library is used to create a window and draw a red circle in the center of the window. First, the window is set up with a width and height of 640 and 480 pixels, respectively. The background color is set to white, and the rendering process begins. A red circle is then drawn using the arcade.draw_circle_filled() function, specifying the center coordinates, radius, and color. Finally, the rendering process is completed, and the window is displayed until the user closes it using arcade.run().

import arcade

# Set up the window
WIDTH = 640
HEIGHT = 480
window = arcade.open_window(WIDTH, HEIGHT, "Drawing a Circle")

# Set the background color

# Start the render process

# Draw a red circle in the center of the screen
x = WIDTH / 2
y = HEIGHT / 2
radius = 100
color = arcade.color.RED
arcade.draw_circle_filled(x, y, radius, color)

# Finish the render process and display the window


Method 2: Using the arcade.create_ellipse_filled() method

The arcade.create_ellipse_filled() function can be used to draw a filled ellipse (which can be used to draw a circle) on the screen.


arcade.draw_ellipse_filled(x, y, width, height, color)

The parameters passed to the arcade.draw_ellipse_filled() function are −

  • x − The x-coordinate of the center point of the ellipse.

  • y − The y-coordinate of the center point of the ellipse.

  • width − The width of the ellipse.

  • height − The height of the ellipse.

  • color − The color of the ellipse, specified as an arcade.color constant, a tuple of RGB values, or a tuple of RGBA values.


  • Import the Arcade library using the import arcade statement.

  • Set the width and height of the window by creating WIDTH and HEIGHT constants.

  • Create a new window using the arcade.open_window() function and passing in the WIDTH, HEIGHT, and window title as arguments.

  • Set the background color of the window using the arcade.set_background_color() function and passing in an Arcade color constant.

  • Begin the rendering process using the arcade.start_render() function.

  • Define the center point of the ellipse by calculating the x-coordinate as WIDTH / 2 and the y-coordinate as HEIGHT / 2.

  • Define the width and height of the ellipse as width = 100 and height = 100.

  • Define the color of the ellipse as arcade.color.BLUE.

  • Draw the filled ellipse using the arcade.draw_ellipse_filled() function and passing in the center point, width, height, and color as arguments.

  • End the rendering process using the arcade.finish_render() function.

  • Start the event loop using the arcade.run() function, which will keep the window open until the user closes it.


In the below example, the arcade library is used to create a window and draw a blue ellipse in the center of the window. First, the window is set up with a width and height of 640 and 480 pixels, respectively. The background color is set to white, and the rendering process begins. A blue ellipse is then drawn using the arcade.draw_ellipse_filled() function, specifying the center coordinates, width, height, and color. Finally, the rendering process is completed, and the window is displayed until the user closes it using arcade.run().

import arcade

# Set up the window
WIDTH = 640
HEIGHT = 480
window = arcade.open_window(WIDTH, HEIGHT, "Drawing a Circle")

# Set the background color

# Start the render process

# Draw a red circle using the create_ellipse_filled function
x = WIDTH / 2
y = HEIGHT / 2
width = 100
height = 100
color = arcade.color.BLUE
arcade.draw_ellipse_filled(x, y, width, height, color)

# Finish the render process and display the window



In this article, we discussed how we can create a circle using the arcade library in Python. We need to create a window and the background color and use the draw_circle_filled function to draw the circle on the screen. Arcade helps create 2D games, circles, and other shapes in Python.

Updated on: 10-Jul-2023


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