Download XKCD Comics using Python

XKCD is a popular webcomic that features humor, science, and geek culture. The comic is famous for its witty jokes as well as a reference to culture and science. We can download the comic using XKCD API and Python request and pillow library. In this article, we will download XKCD comics using Python.

Understanding XKCD API

XKCD provides an open API that gives permission to the developers to access the comics using the API. To use the API, we need to send an HTTP GET request to the URL - ``. The request returns a JSON object that contains information about the latest XKCD comic.

Installing Python Libraries

To download the XKCD comic using Python, you need to install the request module and pillow libraries. The requests library allows us to make HTTP requests to the XKCD API, and the Pillow library allows us to manipulate images. Type the following command to install the request and pillow libraries.

pip install requests
pip install Pillow

Program to Download XKCD Library

Step 1: Import the required libraries

The code imports two Python modules − requests and PIL.Image. The requests module is used to make HTTP requests, while the PIL.The image module is used to manipulate and save images. The io module is imported to work with bytes objects, particularly to open images from the XKCD API.

import requests
import io
from PIL import Image

Step 2: Create a Function to download a specific XKCD comic

The download_comic function takes an ID number as an argument and returns the comic object as a pillow image.

def download_comic(comic_id):
   # Construct the URL for the XKCD API
   url = f'{comic_id}/info.0.json'

   # Make an HTTP GET request to the XKCD API
   response = requests.get(url)

   # Parse the JSON response
   data = response.json()

   # Extract the image URL from the JSON data
   image_url = data['img']

   # Make an HTTP GET request to the image URL
   response = requests.get(image_url)

   # Open the image using Pillow
   image =

   # Return the image as a Pillow object
   return image

Step 3: Create a function to download all XKCD comics

The function download_all_comics takes the starting id and ending id of the comics to download all the comics between the starting and the ending id.

def download_all_comics(start_id, end_id):
   for comic_id in range(start_id, end_id + 1):
         # Download the comic
         image = download_comic(comic_id)

         # Save the image to a file
         filename = f'{comic_id}.png', 'PNG')
         print(f'Saved {filename}')
      except Exception as e:
         print(f'Error downloading comic {comic_id}: {e}')

Step 4: execute the required method

Call the download all comics method with the starting and ending id of the comics to be downloaded.

download_all_comics(1, 10)

The complete code is written below −

import requests
import io
from PIL import Image

# Define a function to download a single XKCD comic
def download_comic(comic_id):
   # Construct the URL for the XKCD API
   url = f'{comic_id}/info.0.json'

   # Make an HTTP GET request to the XKCD API
   response = requests.get(url)

   # Parse the JSON response
   data = response.json()

   # Extract the image URL from the data dictionary
   image_url = data['img']

   # Make an HTTP GET request to the image URL
   response = requests.get(image_url)

   # Open the image using Pillow
   image =

   # Return the image as a Pillow object
   return image

# Define a function to download all XKCD comics
def download_all_comics(start_id, end_id):
   for comic_id in range(start_id, end_id + 1):
         # Download the comic
         image = download_comic(comic_id)

         # Save the image to a file
         filename = f'{comic_id}.png', 'PNG')
         print(f'Saved {filename}')
      except Exception as e:
         print(f'Error downloading comic {comic_id}: {e}')

# Call the download_all_comics function to download the first 10 XKCD comics
download_all_comics(1, 10)


Saved 1.png
Saved 2.png
Saved 3.png
Saved 4.png
Saved 5.png
Saved 6.png
Saved 7.png
Saved 8.png
Saved 9.png
Saved 10.png


In this article, we discussed how we can download XKCD comics using request and pillow libraries in Python. The XKCD provides an API to access the comics. The request module sends an HTTP request to the API URL and receives the list of comics data as an object. This received data can then be used to download the comics. You can use this code to download your favorite XKCD comics or build your own XKCD-related projects.

Updated on: 10-Jul-2023


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