Does Soda Count as Fluid?

Despite its central role, water is the most underappreciated part of a healthy diet. Most of your body is composed of water. You may lose as much as three quarts of water a day, so it's important to replace that amount every day. Water is essential for almost every metabolic activity in the body. The average person needs between 8 and 10 glasses of water every day. Keeping track of what constitutes your daily water intake might be difficult.

How Does Water Stack Up Against Soda?

When comparing the two, water is the healthier option. According to USDA statistics, almost 11 of the 12 ounces (oz) in a can of soda may be included in your daily fluid consumption since it is mostly water. Yet, the rest of the contents in the can should give you pause. Soda pop is very high in sugar; a single 12-ounce can have the same amount of sugar as almost nine teaspoons.

Although diet Coke has no calories, it is not nearly as good for you as water. Researchers have observed that those who regularly use diet Coke tend to snack more often throughout the day on unhealthy options. In addition, postmenopausal women who drank more than two diet sodas per day had a 23% higher risk of stroke and a 29% higher risk of heart disease.

However, anecdotal evidence suggests that the caffeine in certain sodas may have a modest diuretic impact. That is to say, it may cause you to urinate more often, which may cause you to lose fluid. Nevertheless, the caffeine concentration in sodas is typically modest (even Mountain Dew, a brand noted for its high caffeine content, has just 36 milligrams (mg) of caffeine per cup compared to the 96 mg of caffeine in the same quantity of coffee), thus the diuretic impact, if any, is minimal. Caffeinated drinks may be counted toward hydration requirements in the same manner as non-caffeinated beverages, according to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, which note that the diuretic effects are temporary (not long-lasting).

Soda's Nutrient Content

Soda is rich in calories because of the sugar—typically high fructose corn syrup—that is added to it. The United States Department of Agriculture reports that there are 155 calories in a 12-ounce can of cola, with around 147 of them coming from sugar. That's roughly nine teaspoons of sugar per can, which is a lot. Although there has been a rise in the availability of "healthier" sodas with reduced amounts of sugar and artificial sweeteners, many of these drinks are nothing more than sugar and water, making them nutritionally equivalent to regular soda.

Even though there are no calories in diet soda, it is not exactly a healthy beverage option. As was previously established, diet soda's artificial sweeteners have been related to an increased desire for the unhealthy fare. Similarly, several studies have shown a correlation between regular diet soda drinking and expanding waistlines.

So what is it about soda that makes it a good hydration drink?

Carbonated water is the major component of soda. Thus it stands to reason that the beverage may serve as a mild hydrator even if the rest of the components aren't optimal. Soda isn't the best option for staying hydrated, but it may be counted toward your daily total if you really want to push the envelope.

Which Is Better for Hydration: Soda or Seltzer?

In this case, seltzer is the superior option. Just slightly more hydrating than soda, but without the sugar or artificial sweeteners and without the caffeine. Seltzer may be a fantastic alternative to soda if you're trying to cut down on or quit soda altogether since it fulfills the urge for something cool and effervescent. Not only can you get seltzer in a wide variety of flavors, but you can also customize the taste by adding your favorite fruit juice or citrus twist.

Soda Has Health Benefits Besides Water

Soda has zero positive health effects and is completely harmful. All sodas, whether normal and diet, caffeinated or non-caffeinated, are harmful to health. Harvard notes that in addition to sugar, soda also includes high quantities of phosphate, a natural form of phosphorus that has been linked to harmful effects on the body, according to a study published in the October 2016 issue of Kidney International.

Studies have shown that the sugar and acid in most sodas are detrimental to dental health, increasing the risk of tooth decay and enamel degradation. Soda and other sugary drinks have long been associated with an elevated risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and gout. Now, big research published in the journal Circulation in March 2019 confirms that the more sugary drinks a person consumes, the higher their chance of dying prematurely. If you want to be healthier and more hydrated, you should cut down on soda.

Does Soda Help You Retain Water?

Nearly every other commercially available or readily available a water fountain beverage is preferable than soda. Drinking natural or artificially sweetened soda is associated with negative health outcomes. While soda technically counts as a hydrating drink, there are better options available that will help you achieve your hydration and health objectives.


Diet Coke and other similar drinks are mostly water, so they may help you meet your daily water goal. Yet, the salt and caffeine included in diet sodas may cause your body to lose water. As a result, it's critical that you don't rely on diet Coke alone to help you fulfil your water needs throughout the day.

The importance of water to your health may not ease your struggle to drink enough of it. Maybe you just don't care for the taste or the texture of water. Natural tastes, like a slice of lemon or a splash of cranberry juice, are a great way to give your water some more pizzazz. Naturally derived water taste additives are also widely available. There is generally little more than a single drop or a few sprinkles needed of these liquid or powder products.

Updated on: 04-Apr-2023


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