Does mprotect flush instruction cache on ARM Linux


When working with ARM-based Linux systems, one of critical functions that programmers often need to use is mprotect. This function is used to protect specific areas of memory from unauthorized access, modifying or executing. However, one of common questions asked by developers is whether mprotect flushes instruction cache on ARM Linux.

In this article, we will explore concept of mprotect and its impact on instruction cache on ARM Linux. We will also discuss some examples and scenarios that can help you understand function better.

What is mprotect?

Mprotect is a function that allows programmers to modify memory protection settings for a particular memory region. function can set various protection levels for memory pages, such as read-only, write-only, no-execute, and others.

The mprotect function is defined in sys/mman.h header file and takes three arguments −

int mprotect(void *addr, size_t len, int prot);
  • Addr − starting address of memory region.

  • Len − length of memory region.

  • Prot − new protection level for memory region.

Mprotect can be used to modify protection levels of existing memory pages or create new memory pages with specific protection levels.

Impact of mprotect on instruction cache

When mprotect is used to modify protection levels of memory pages, it may cause CPU's instruction cache to become invalid. instruction cache is a small, fast memory that stores recently executed instructions. When a program executes instructions, CPU first checks instruction cache to see if instructions are already stored in cache. If instructions are present, CPU can execute them directly from cache, which is much faster than fetching them from main memory.

If memory protection level of a page is changed using mprotect, it may cause instruction cache to become invalid. This is because CPU does not know if instructions stored in cache are still valid or if they have been modified. Therefore, CPU must invalidate instruction cache for affected memory pages and fetch instructions from main memory again.

Scenarios that can cause instruction cache to become invalid

There are several scenarios in which instruction cache can become invalid due to changes in memory protection levels. Here are some examples −

Making a page executable

Suppose you have a program that allocates a memory page and sets its protection level to read-only. Later, program decides to execute code stored in that page. program must first use mprotect to set page's protection level to executable. This will cause instruction cache to become invalid, and CPU will have to fetch instructions from main memory again.

Modifying a page that is mapped as executable

Suppose you have a program that maps a file into memory and sets its protection level to executable. Later, program decides to modify contents of mapped file. To do this, program must first use mprotect to set protection level of memory page to read-write. This will cause instruction cache to become invalid, and CPU will have to fetch instructions from main memory again.

Using fork to create a child process

Suppose you have a program that calls fork function to create a child process. child process inherits a copy of parent process's memory, including instruction cache. If parent process used mprotect to modify protection levels of its memory pages, child process's instruction cache would become invalid.

One way to optimize programs is to use mlock, which is a function that locks memory pages into physical memory, preventing them from being swapped out to disk. This can help ensure that frequently used memory pages and instructions are always available in instruction cache, which can improve performance of program.

Another optimization technique is to use shared memory whenever possible. Shared memory allows multiple processes to access same memory pages, which can reduce number of times mprotect needs to be used to modify memory protection levels. This can, in turn, reduce number of times instruction cache becomes invalid and improve performance of program.

Programmers can also use other techniques, such as optimizing their code for cache locality, using prefetch instructions, and minimizing branch mispredictions, to further improve performance of their programs.


In conclusion, mprotect is a useful function for managing memory protection levels in ARM-based Linux systems. However, programmers should be aware that using mprotect to modify protection levels of memory pages can cause instruction cache to become invalid. Therefore, it is essential complete it to understand potential impact of mprotect on performance of their programs.

To mitigate impact of invalidating instruction cache, programmers can use techniques such as preloading and prefetching to ensure that frequently used instructions are stored in cache. Additionally, programmers should minimize number of times they modify memory protection levels using mprotect and try to group such modifications together whenever possible.

In conclusion, while mprotect does not explicitly flush instruction cache on ARM Linux, it can indirectly cause cache to become invalid. Programmers must be aware of this potential impact and take steps to optimize their programs accordingly. By doing so, they can ensure that their programs are as efficient and performant as possible.

Updated on: 14-Mar-2023


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