Does HTTPS mean safe?

As we all know, there are a lot of sites online where many are safe and secure, while there are a lot of insecure and fake websites. These fake websites are utilized mainly by scammers and hackers. They try to use different methods to hack. In this article, we will find out the answers to the following questions −

  • Does HTTPS offer full-fledged safety?

  • How is it different from the standard HTTP connections?

How is HTTPS different from HTTP?

HTTPS (Hypertext transfer protocol secure) is a much more secure type of HTTP, the most widely used protocol for sending data between a web browser and a website.

  • HTTP (Hypertext transfer protocol) is considered the fundamental part of the World Wide Web Foundation. HTTP is a protocol designed to transmit data across nodes. They run on various other layers of the network protocol stack.

  • Typically, an HTTP flow involves a client sending a request to a server, which then responds with a message. An HTTP request is a technique through which Internet communication systems, such as web browsers, request the data they need to load a website. These requests contain a series of encoded data that may include sensitive information like bank account numbers and passwords.

  • Technically, HTTPS is just an encrypted version of HTTP that allows for more secure data transit. HTTPS uses TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption, a protocol that operates on Asymmetric public key infrastructure that requires two different keys to encrypt communication between two parties. As a result, HTTPS confirms the legitimacy of a provider using this protocol.

How Secure is HTTPS, and How Does It Work?

The TLS protocol, formerly known as SSL protocol, requires the private key and the public key to encrypt the data communicated through the browser and the website. A public key can only be used to decrypt a private key and vice versa.

  • When data is transferred through HTTP, it is split up into packets for transmission, but it is sent in plain text, making it easily accessible and vulnerable to third parties. On the other hand, when data is delivered over HTTPS, however, the encrypted data makes it harder to snoop on, and even if it is intercepted, it will be garbage characters.

  • Most web browsers, including Google Chrome, tag the website as secure or insecure for users to identify. A green lock symbol adjacent to the website URL indicates that the account is certified and that your data is encrypted, making it inaccessible to third parties such as ISPs, intruders, and so on. If a website address does not use a green lock, the website uses HTTP and is not encrypted.

  • Another variant is the lock icon with red cross lines, indicating that the website is certified, but it is outdated. Even though a green symbol can tell if a website is secure or not, it is essential to keep it in mind while providing your personal information. Even if the website is certified as safe, the website itself can be a threat, for example, a phishing site. So, make sure the site is genuine by double-checking the domain name and ensuring the links are reliable.


To make more victims, cybercriminals give you a false sense of security. Your data may end up in the wrong hands, even if the data transit between the website and you are safe. Even if the URL begins with 'https,' be cautious when sharing sensitive information. Check the address bar to make sure you're on the right website. As a result, even if a website is secured using https, there is always the risk of being attacked online.

Updated on: 28-Dec-2021


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