Documenters and translators of MySQL

Let us see who the documenters and translators of MySQL are −

Many people have contributed in the MySQL documentation, translation of the documentation and error messages in MySQL. There are many people, organizations, students, and others who have helped in the development, maintenance, and improvement of MySQL.

But the major people who have supported in the documentation and translation of certain parts of MySQL by lending their never-ending support, along with their contributions have been listed below −

  • Kim Aldale − They have helped rewrite Monty's and David's early attempts at English into English.

  • Michael J. Miller Jr − They have helped in the first MySQL manual, fixed many spelling/language fixes for the FAQ (it became the MySQL manual a long time ago).

  • Yan Cailin − They were the first translator, who translated the MySQL Reference Manual into simplified Chinese in early 2000. This was based on the Big5 and HK coded versions.

  • Jay Flaherty − They helped with the big parts of the Perl DBI/DBD section in the manual.

  • Paul Southworth, Ray Loyzaga − They helped with the proof-reading of the Reference Manual.

  • Therrien Gilbert, Jean-Marc Pouyot − They helped work with the French error messages.

  • Petr Snajdr − They helped work with the Czech error messages.

  • Jaroslaw Lewandowski − They helped work with the Polish error messages.

  • Miguel Angel Fernandez Roiz − They helped work with the Spanish error messages.

  • Timur I. Bakeyev − They helped work with the Russian error messages.

  • Filippo Grassilli − They helped work with the Italian error messages.

  • Dirk Munzinger − They helped work with the German error messages.

  • Billik Stefan − They helped work with the Slovak error messages.

  • Arjen Lentz − They helped work with the Dutch error messages

Updated on: 08-Mar-2021


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