Docker Alternatives

What is Docker?

Docker is a platform that you can use to develop test and deploy applications. Docker has containers in which the software is packaged. These packages include everything needed to run a software. These include library, code, runtime, and system tools. Applications can be deployed in any environment by using Docker. If Docker is run on AWS, developing, deploying and shipping costs reduce.

Price Plans of Docker

There are four price plans which you can choose to use Docker. These price plans are given in the table below:




$0 per user per month


$5 per user per month


$9 per user per month


$24 per user per month

Why Docker Alternatives?

There are a few disadvantages of Docker and some of them are listed below:

  • Docker is not a good application to develop and deploy those apps that have rich GUI

  • Large number of containers cannot be managed easily

  • Applications developed in Docker for one platform cannot be deployed on others

  • Development and testing of operating systems should be the same

  • Data backup and recovery options are not available

How to choose a Docker Alternative?

There are many advantages of using Docker and some of them have been listed below:

  • Docker is light in weight

  • A container image can be developed and used through the whole application deployment process

  • It has the ability to run in different environments like cloud, physical hardware, and virtual hardware

  • Container image can be reused

If you want an alternative to Docker, you need to consider these advantages.

Top 10 Docker Alternatives

Docker has many advantages and some of them have been discussed here in detail.

Alternative 1 − Buildah

Buildah is an alternative to Docker and can be used to make OCI containers. There is no need to install a separate container runtime or daemon. The commands of Buildah have the ability to replicate the commands of Docker files. Root privileges are not needed to create container images. If you do not use Docker files, then scripting languages can also be used in software development.

Alternative 2− Podman

RedHat has developed a container engine called Podman which is one of the excellent alternatives to Docker. Podman can be used to develop and store container images while maintaining compatibility with OCI container images. The command line interface of Podman is similar to Docker. Alias of docker command to podman helps the users to transit from Docker to Podman. Docker uses dockerd daemon for the management of all containers while Podman does not use daemons.

Alternative 3 − OpenVZ

OpenVZ is another alternative to Docker and can bake containers on the basis of Linux. Users can use isolated Linux containers on a Linux server. These containers can be used to make virtual servers. Each container has an independent root access IP address, memory, applications, system libraries, and files. This prevents conflicts between different containers running on OpenVZ. You can use the Network File System (NFS) of OpenVZ to access network disk files available on the virtual servers.

Alternative 4 − LXD

Linux Daemons or LXD is an alternative to Docker and has the ability to manage system containers and virtual machines on Linux systems. It is an image−based application and is fast and secure. LXD can be easily set up in a cluster environment which will help you in the management of complicated virtual machines and containers.

Alternative 5 − BuildKit

BuildKit is a part of the Moby project and has been developed as a building engine for Docker. Integration of BuildKit has been done into Docker build. The platform can also be used as an independent tool Due to parallel processing of image layers, the performance of BuildKit is faster than Docker. Caching is another important feature to reduce the building of new layers for each image. DOCKER_BUILDKIT environment variable has to be used to enable BuildKit in a shell.

Alternative 6 − VirtualBox

The functionalities of VirtualBox are similar to Docker. VirtualBox can be used to create and deploy applications in different environments. VirtualBox can be used to make a lot of virtual machines which can run on different operating systems. This helps users to make applications that can run in different environments. Virtual machines created on VirtualBox do not share the operating system kernel of the host which makes the platform more secure.

Alternative 7 − Vagrant

Vagrant is an excellent alternative to Docker. Vagrant can be used to replicate multiple virtual environments on different virtual machines and operating systems. You can create a virtual environment which can be replicated an endless number of times. The platform also allows users to create matching virtual environments for software development and deployment. Virtual machine images can be created and shared on different platforms.

Alternative 8 − Kaniko

Kaniko is an alternative to Docker and has been developed by Google. Kaniko can be used for the development of container images inside a container. No daemon is required to build and run applications on Kaniko. Kaniko gives more focus on Kubernetes workflows.

Alternative 9 − Kubernetes

Kubernetes is considered as one of the best alternatives to Docker. It is created by Google to manage container applications in different environments which include physical, virtual, and cloud. Kubernetes has the ability to control a large number of workloads and containers. Docker cannot manage multiple clusters but this feature is available in Kubernetes. Docker and Kubernetes can be combined to run applications with multiple containers.

Alternative 10 − ZeroVM

ZeroVM is an alternative to Docker and is a secure tool which can be used to create isolated environments to run single processes. ZeroVM has the ability to embed application in an isolated environment so that virtualization can be enabled without any kernel or operating system.


Docker is a platform which can be used to create virtual environments to create, develop, and deploy applications. Docker is not suitable for applications with rich GUI. Applications developed in Docker can run only on a single operating system. No data backup and recovery feature is available. Due to all these disadvantages, users look for Docker alternatives and some of them are Kubernetes, VirtualBox, LXD, and many more,

Updated on: 11-Jul-2023


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