Column IColumn II(i) Leech(a) Holozoic nutrition(ii) Amoeba (b) Autotrophic nutrition(iii) Mushroom (c) Parasitic nutrition(iv) Green plant (d) Saprophytic nutrition"">

Match the organisms given in column I with the processes given in column II:
Column IColumn II
(i) Leech(a) Holozoic nutrition
(ii) Amoeba (b) Autotrophic nutrition
(iii) Mushroom (c) Parasitic nutrition
(iv) Green plant (d) Saprophytic nutrition

  Column I       Column II
(i) Leech (c) Parasitic Nutrition
(ii) Amoeba (a) Holozoic Nutrition
(iii) Mushroom (d) Saprophytic Nutrition
(iv) Green plant

(b) Autotrophic Nutrition

(Additional Information)

(a) Holozoic Nutrition: In this mode of nutrition, digestion of food is allowed only after the ingestion of food.

Example: Amoeba

(b) Autotrophic Nutrition: In this mode of nutrition, an organism makes its own food from simple inorganic materials like carbon dioxide and water present in the surroundings (with the help of sunlight energy).

Example: Green plants.

(c) Parasitic Nutrition:  In this mode of nutrition, an organism derives its food from the body of another living organism (called its host) without killing it.

Example: Leeches

(d) Saprophytic Nutrition:  In this mode of nutrition, an organism obtains its food from dead organic matter of dead plants, dead animals, and rotten bread.

Example: Mushroom.

Updated on: 27-Mar-2023


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