Distinguish between Machine and operating system virtualization.

Let us learn about machine virtualization.

Machine Virtualization

The diagram given below shows the machine virtualization −

Operating system virtualization

The diagram given below shows the operating system virtualization −


The major differences between Machine virtualization and operating system virtualization are as follows −

Machine virtualizationOperating system virtualization
It refers to the creation of a virtual machine that acts like a real computer.It is a part of virtualization and is a type of server virtualization.
It can be done by extracting the physical hardware with the help of VVM (Virtual Machine Monitor).
With OS virtualization nothing is pre installed/ permanently loaded on the local device & no hard-disk drive is needed.
Everything runs from the network using a kind of virtual disk.
Full virtualization, emulation virtualization, Para-virtualization are the types of machine virtualization.
Linux OS virtualization, windows OS virtualization are the two types of OS virtualization.
Shared hardware is installed on a virtual machine monitor (VMM) or called a hypervisor. Virtual box, Vmware workstation and HyperV are installed on these hypervisors & we can install different virtual machines in this particular hardware. All virtual machines have different applications.
In the host hardware we are installing the host operating system. The hypervisor/virtual box/Vmware workstations are first installed into a full host operating system. With this software we can install more than one operating system in the machine.
Controlling a virtual machine is much easier than controlling a physical machine.
Lower cost.
Efficient resource utilization.
OS virtualization is capable of live migration.
Usually impose little or no overhead.
It can also use dynamic load balancing of containers between nodes & clusters.

Updated on: 26-Nov-2021


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