Display all the Files in Perl

There are various ways to list down all the files available in a particular directory using Perl. First let's use the simple way to get and list down all the files using the glob operator −

# Display all the files in /tmp directory.
$dir = "/tmp/*";
my @files = glob( $dir );
foreach (@files ) {
   print $_ . "\n";
# Display all the C source files in /tmp directory.
$dir = "/tmp/*.c";
@files = glob( $dir );
foreach (@files ) {
   print $_ . "\n";
# Display all the hidden files.
$dir = "/tmp/.*";
@files = glob( $dir );
foreach (@files ) {
   print $_ . "\n";
# Display all the files from /tmp and /home directories.
$dir = "/tmp/* /home/*";
@files = glob( $dir );
foreach (@files ) {
   print $_ . "\n";

Here is another example, which opens a directory and list out all the files available inside this directory.

opendir (DIR, '.') or die "Couldn't open directory, $!";
while ($file = readdir DIR) {
   print "$file\n";
closedir DIR;

One more example to print the list of C source files you might use is −

opendir(DIR, '.') or die "Couldn't open directory, $!";
foreach (sort grep(/^.*\.c$/,readdir(DIR))) {
   print "$_\n";
closedir DIR;

Updated on: 29-Nov-2019


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