Diskonaut – A Terminal Disk Space Navigator for LinuxDisplaying phoenixnap_sysadmin.txt

If you're a Linux user, you're probably used to using the command line interface to navigate your files and directories. One of the challenges of working in a terminal environment is managing disk space. As you install more programs and save more files, your hard drive can quickly become cluttered and disorganized, making it difficult to find the files you need. Fortunately, there are tools available that can help you manage your disk space more efficiently.

In this article, we’ll be introducing Diskonaut, a terminal-based disk space navigator for Linux. Diskonaut is a lightweight and user-friendly tool that allows you to visualize your disk space usage and quickly identify large and unnecessary files.

What is Diskonaut?

Diskonaut is a free and open-source tool that allows you to visualize your disk space usage and navigate your file system from the terminal. It is written in Rust, a high-performance programming language that is designed for system-level programming. With Diskonaut, you can easily identify large files and directories that are taking up valuable disk space and delete them to free up space.

Diskonaut Features

Diskonaut comes with several features that make it a powerful tool for managing your disk space. Some of the key features of Diskonaut include −

  • User-friendly interface − Diskonaut has a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate your file system and visualize your disk usage.

  • Fast scanning − Diskonaut is designed to scan your file system quickly, so you can get an overview of your disk space usage in seconds.

  • Interactive visualization − Diskonaut provides an interactive visualization of your file system that allows you to quickly identify large files and directories.

  • Delete files − Diskonaut allows you to delete files and directories directly from the interface, making it easy to free up disk space.

  • Search functionality − Diskonaut allows you to search for files and directories based on their name or size, making it easy to find what you're looking for.

In addition to its core functionality of visualizing disk space usage, Diskonaut has several other features that make it a useful tool for Linux users. Here are some of its features and use cases −


Diskonaut provides a simple and intuitive way to navigate through the file system. Users can use the arrow keys to move up and down the directory tree, and press Enter to enter a directory. This makes it easy to quickly explore the file system and find the files and directories that are taking up the most space.

Interactive filtering

Diskonaut allows users to filter the directory tree based on file types, file extensions, and file sizes. This can be useful for finding large files, temporary files, or specific file types that are taking up a lot of space. Users can interactively filter the directory tree by pressing the '/' key and typing their filter criteria.

Exporting data

Diskonaut allows users to export the directory tree data to a CSV file. This can be useful for further analysis or for sharing the data with others. To export the data, users can press the 'e' key and choose the export option.

Remote usage

Diskonaut can be used to visualize disk space usage on remote machines via SSH. This can be useful for managing disk space on remote servers or for troubleshooting disk space issues. To use Diskonaut remotely, simply SSH into the remote machine and run the command with the appropriate parameters.

Integrating with scripts

Diskonaut can be integrated with shell scripts or other command-line tools to automate disk space management tasks. For example, a script could use Diskonaut to visualize disk space usage and then perform actions such as deleting large files or archiving old files.

Here is an example of a shell script that uses Diskonaut to find the largest files in a directory and prompt the user to delete them −

# Find the largest files in a directory and prompt the user to delete them
# Usage: ./delete_large_files.sh /path/to/directory

# Get the directory path from command line arguments

# Navigate to the directory and launch Diskonaut
cd $dir

# Prompt the user to enter a file size limit
read -p "Enter the maximum file size in MB: " size_limit

# Use Diskonaut to find the largest files
largest_files=$(diskonaut --csv | sort -rn | awk -v limit=$size_limit -F "," '$3 > limit {print $1}')

# Prompt the user to delete each file
for file in $largest_files; do
   read -p "Delete file $file? [y/n] " delete_file
   if [ $delete_file == "y" ]; then
      rm $file
      echo "File $file deleted."

In this example, the script uses Diskonaut to visualize disk space usage, prompts the user to enter a file size limit, and then uses Diskonaut again to find the largest files that exceed the size limit. The script then prompts the user to delete each file and performs the deletion if the user confirms.

Overall, Diskonaut is a powerful and versatile tool for managing disk space on Linux systems. Its intuitive interface and interactive features make it easy to explore and analyze disk usage, and its ability to integrate with other tools and scripts makes it a valuable addition to any Linux user's toolkit.

Installing Diskonaut

Diskonaut is available for installation on most Linux distributions. To install Diskonaut on Ubuntu or Debian, you can use the following command −

sudo apt install diskonaut

If you're using a different Linux distribution, you can download the binary file from the Diskonaut GitHub page and install it manually.

Using Diskonaut

To use Diskonaut, simply open a terminal and type the following command −


This will launch Diskonaut and start scanning your file system. Once the scan is complete, you will be presented with a graphical representation of your disk space usage.

Navigating your file system

Diskonaut provides a simple and intuitive interface for navigating your file system. You can use the arrow keys to navigate up and down the directory tree, and press the right arrow key to enter a directory.

Viewing file information

To view information about a specific file or directory, simply select it using the arrow keys and press the enter key. This will display information about the file or directory, including its size and location.

Deleting files

If you want to delete a file or directory, simply select it using the arrow keys and press the delete key. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion before it is carried out.

Searching for files

If you're looking for a specific file or directory, you can use the search functionality in Diskonaut. Simply press the / key and type in the name or size of the file or directory you're looking for.


Diskonaut is a useful tool for Linux users who want to quickly and easily navigate their disk space usage. Its intuitive interface and ability to drill down into specific directories make it a powerful option for managing disk space. Additionally, Diskonaut's customizable color scheme and integration with other terminal applications make it a flexible tool that can be tailored to fit individual needs. Whether you are a system administrator, developer, or just a regular Linux user, Diskonaut can help you optimize your disk space usage and keep your system running smoothly. Give it a try and see how it can improve your workflow!

Updated on: 28-Jun-2023


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