Disadvantages of Plastics


Plastics are widely used as synthetic or semi-synthetic materials that are usually made up of polymers. Plastics can easily be moulded or reshaped or pressed to form solid objects of various shapes and sizes only due to their plasticity (deformation capability of the materials) character. Plastics are widely used in our surroundings because of their various properties like being lightweight, flexible, cheap, easily available, and many others. Plastics are generally or mainly made from chemicals that are based on fossil fuels like petroleum or natural gas. Plastics can easily be classified into different groups based on their synthesis. Plastics can be synthesized by processes like condensation, polyaddition, and by cross-linking.

What is Plastic?

Plastics are polymers widely used in the form of synthetic or semi-synthetic. Plastics can also be defined as the polymers of long-chain carbon atoms. Plastics can easily be moulded or reshaped or pressed to form solid objects of different shapes and sizes only due to their plasticity (deformation capability of the materials) character. Plastics are widely used by us because of their various properties or factors like being lightweight, flexible, cheap, easily available, and many others. Plastics are generally or mainly made from chemicals or chemical substances that are based on fossil fuels like petroleum or natural gas.

In some industries, plastics are made from renewable materials like cotton (fibre) or corn derivatives. Most of the plastics produced cannot be reused, they are being captured in landfills and leads to what we called plastic pollution. Plastic pollution is found in the water bodies as plastic waste. In some developed countries, most of the plastics are used in packing and building systems like piping, plumbing, some furniture, etc.

Usage of Plastics

  • Plastics can be moulded or reshaped which makes them ideal packaging material. Plastics used in the packaging keep food materials or edibles safe and fresh.

  • Plastics are lightweight (easy to carry) and durable(hard-wearing) which helped them to use in the electronic field. Most of the electronic appliances like computers, microwaves, cell phones, e.t.c all found usage of plastics in their formation.

  • Plastic needs less maintenance, and it is highly durable that’s why it is widely used in the construction industry.

  • Plastics can be used to make some safety gear like helmets and wearing glasses.

  • Plastics are also used to make toys, electronic switches, and many other household products.

  • Plastics are widely used to store water in plastic bottles and to store chemicals in chemical laboratories because it is non-reactive to the water and air.

Classification of Plastics

Plastics are broadly classified into two groups and those groups are −

  • Thermoplastics polymers − These are the plastics that can easily undergo any kind of chemical changes in their constituent composition when they are heated, and they can be moulded as many times as possible. Some examples of such plastics are- polyethylene, polystyrene, PVC (polyvinylchloride), etc. Common thermoplastics weigh from 20,000 to 50,000 amu.

  • Thermosetting polymers − These polymers are also called thermosets. These plastics cannot melt when exposed to heat and can take the shape only once. In the thermosetting process, a reaction (chemical) occurs that is irreversible. One example of such polymer is the vulcanization of rubber. Thermosets are assumed to have infinite molecular weight.

Other classifications are based on the qualities that are useful for manufacturing or product designing. These include thermoplastic and thermoset, biodegradable, elastomers, and structural and electrically conductive.

LaurensvanLieshout, Thermoplastic elastomer TPE, CC BY-SA 3.0

Advantages of Plastics

  • Plastics are widely used to meet technical needs because of their extreme versatility and ability to be tailored.

  • Plastics are also used in food packaging because foods remain safe and hygienic

  • Plastics are durable and have long-living capability.

  • Due to its lightweight, it can easily be transported with less fuel consumption.

  • Plastics have the property to resist chemicals, water, and moisture which makes them useful for storing water and chemicals in laboratories.

  • Plastics have excellent thermal as well as electric insulation properties that’s why they are widely used in the formation of insulators.

  • Plastics are cheap materials and have less production cost.

  • Plastics also possess a unique or distinct property to combine with the materials like paper, aluminium foil, etc.

  • Plastics have made a very important role in the everyday life of human beings because of their various unique and useful properties.

Disadvantages of Plastics

  • Plastics are very hard to decompose, the natural decomposition of plastic can take 500-1000 years to completely decompose. And some of the plastics are not biodegradable.

  • Plastic materials can block the waterways, oceans, lakes, etc. Most marine species have been found entangled or dead in marine litter.

  • Many animals eat plastics from the garbage and the plastic blocks their digestive system and leads to their death.

  • As we know plastics are widely used for packaging food materials but when we eat these food items there is a high chance of causing cancer because of the number of harmful particles present in the plastic.

  • The creation and recycling of plastics produce very harmful or toxic gases and their residues in the air cause air, water, and land pollution.

  • Plastics also cause fire hazards due to their flammable nature.

  • Recycling costs of plastics are also very high.

  • One of the additives or chemicals used for the manufacture of plastic called phthalates can cause serious hormonal imbalance in both males and females.


Plastics are polymers or mostly non-biodegradable materials, widely used in the form of synthetic or semi-synthetic. Plastics can also be defined as the polymers of long-chain carbon atoms. Plastics can easily be moulded or reshaped to form solid objects of different shapes and sizes only due to one of their properties called plasticity (deformation capability of the materials). Plastics are widely used by us (humans) because of their various properties or factors like being lightweight, flexible, cheap, easily available, and many others. Plastics are broadly divided into two major categories and those are thermoplastic polymers and thermosetting polymers. Thermoplastics are those plastics that can easily undergo any kind of chemical changes in their constituent composition when they are heated, and they can be moulded as many times as possible. Thermosetting plastics are those plastics that cannot melt under heat and can take the shape only once. In the thermosetting process, a reaction (chemical) occurs that is irreversible.


1. What do you mean by plastics?

Plastics are polymers or mostly non-biodegradable materials, widely used in the form of synthetic or semi-synthetic polymers. Plastics can also be defined as the polymers of long-chain carbon atoms.

2. Plastics are discovered by whom and when?

Plastics were first discovered by Alexander Parkes in the year 1862 and the world’s first fully synthetic plastic was made by Leo Baekeland in the year 1907.

3. What is the basic difference between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics?

Thermoplastics are polymers that can easily be melted or softened under the action of heat while thermosettings are polymers that cannot undergo any changes when exposed to heat.

4. Give some examples of thermoplastic polymers.

Some examples of thermoplastic polymers are- polystyrene, polyvinyl-chloride (PVC), polyester, nylon, etc.

5. Mention some uses of plastics.

Some uses of plastics are as follows −

  • Plastics are used to pack food materials or edibles.

  • Plastics are widely used to carry substances.

  • Plastics are used to make toys, electric switches, etc.

  • Plastics are also used to store water and some chemicals.

Updated on: 13-Feb-2024


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