Disable the underlying window when a popup is created in Python TKinter

We are familiar with popup and used it in many applications. Popup in a tkinter application can be created by creating an instance of Toplevel(root) window. For a particular application, we can trigger the popup on a button object.

Let us create a Python script to close the underlying or the main window after displaying the popup. We can close the main window while residing in a popup window by using the withdraw() method.


Through this example, we will create a popup dialog that can be triggered after clicking a button. Once the popup will open, the parent window will close automatically.

#Import the required library
from tkinter import*
#Create an instance of tkinter frame
win= Tk()
#Define geometry of the window
#Define a function to close the popup window
def close_win(top):
#Define a function to open the Popup Dialogue
def popupwin():
   #withdraw the main window
   #Create a Toplevel window
   top= Toplevel(win)
   #Create an Entry Widget in the Toplevel window
   entry= Entry(top, width= 25)
   entry.insert(INSERT, "Enter Your Email ID")
   #Create a Button Widget in the Toplevel Window
   button= Button(top, text="Ok", command=lambda:close_win(top))
   button.pack(pady=5, side= TOP)
#Create a Label
label= Label(win, text="Click the Button to Open the Popup Dialogue", font= ('Helvetica 15 bold'))
#Create a Button
button= Button(win, text= "Click Me!", command= popupwin, font= ('Helvetica 14 bold'))


When we execute the above code snippet, it will display a window.

Now click the "Click Me" button. It will open a Popup window and close the parent window.

Updated on: 15-Apr-2021

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