Dihydrogen Monoxide


The Chemical Dihydrogen Monoxide abbreviated as DHMO, is like a water molecule but it's not similar in properties to water. It is a colourless and odourless chemical. It is a dangerous chemical that causes deaths to many American every year due to accidental ingestion. It is present in every river, lake, stream, and reservoir in America. It is a major component of acid rain, the greenhouse effect. DHMO in gaseous form causes burning of the skin. It also causes corrosion and rusting of metals. It is considered an invisible killer. Even though it has so many causes, it is used for industrial purposes, in nuclear power plants, and in the preparation of biological and chemical weapons.

What is Dihydrogen Monoxide?

Dihydrogen Monoxide is a colourless, odourless chemical, commonly abbreviated as DHMO. Its chemical formula is like water so considered an unfamiliar name for water. It is also known as Dihydrogen Oxide, Hydric Acid, Hydrogen Hydroxide, and Hydronium Hydroxide. It contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. It is a strong base and highly reactive. It is found in many poisonous and explosive compounds like sulfuric acid, Ethyl Alcohol, Nitro-glycerine, etc.

According to modified IUPAC nomenclature, there is no exact name for every chemical, so according to the chemical formula, it is named dihydrogen monoxide or water as it is like the chemical formula of water i.e., 𝐻2𝑂, 𝐻𝑂𝐻, π‘œπ‘Ÿ 𝑂𝐻2.

Dihydrogen Monoxide Properties:

Dihydrogen Monoxide is like a water molecule in chemical formula and is also known by the name Hydric Acid, Dihydrogen Oxide, Hydrogen Hydroxide, and Hydronium Hydroxide. It is a colourless and odourless chemical. It has the following properties. Let’s understand them.

Properties Attribute
The chemical formula of DHMO $\mathrm{H_{2}O}$, 𝐻𝑂𝐻, π‘œπ‘Ÿ $\mathrm{OH_{2}}$
Colour of DHMO Colourless
Odour of DHMO Odourless
Melting Point 320F
Boiling Point DHMO 1000 C
Molecular Weight of DHMO 18.0152 g/molSurface Tension
Surface Tension 71.99 mN/m
pH Value 7
Density 997 kg/m3

Dihydrogen Monoxide Characteristics:

Although it is like water, called a silent killer. It has different characteristics than water. Dihydrogen Monoxide has the following characteristics.

  • DHMO is in gaseous form and causes skin burning.

  • It causes the rusting and corrosion of metals.

  • It is found in terminal cancer patients although it is not carcinogenic.

  • It is one of the major components of acid rain and the greenhouse effect.

  • It causes electrical faults and breaks fail in vehicles.

  • DHMO causes erosion of natural landscapes.

Dihydrogen Monoxide UsesAlthough Dihydrogen Monoxide is quite dangerous still it has many uses. Let’s look at some of the uses of DHMO.

Although Dihydrogen Monoxide is quite dangerous still it has many uses. Let’s look at some of the uses of DHMO.

  • DHMO is used as an additive to many food products, fruit juices, or junk food.

  • It is also used in some medicines like cough syrups or other medicines, and cleaners.

  • It is used as a preservative in grocery products to keep them fresh and in the production of beers.

  • DHMO is also used in deodorants, body spray, shaving creams, shampoos, etc.

  • DHMO is used as a solvent and coolant in nuclear plants and the production of Styrofoam in the preparation of chemical and biological weapons.

  • Ir is also used in genetically developed crops.

  • It is used as a suppressant in fire extinguishers.

  • It is also used in sanitary pads and swimming pools to maintain chemical balance in the water.

  • It is used in the production and distribution of pesticides and other chemicals.

  • DHMO is also used in the compressor of air conditioners and furnaces.

  • It is also used in the manufacturing of many packaging materials.

Dihydrogen Monoxide Symptoms

As we read Dihydrogen monoxides have both cons and pros. It is life-threatening or an invisible silent killer. If mistakenly inhaled in the body, it causes the following symptoms.

  • DHMO inhalation causes excessive urination.

  • Sweating

  • Nausea and vomiting.

  • DHMO also causes degeneration of sodium Homeostasis.

  • Bloating

  • Imbalance of electrolytes in the body.

  • Hyponatremia.

  • DHMO also causes oozing and leaking from the corners of the eye and irritation and allergy.

  • Chemical depression.

Dihydrogen Monoxide Precautions

Dihydrogen Monoxide has many serious and non-serious causes both. It is inhaled in your body directly or indirectly both ways. If some precautions are taken, it can prevent the serious problems of DHMO. There are a few precautions mentioned below βˆ’

  • If accidentally inhaled DHMO in the body, firstly you must keep yourself away from that situation and then it should be examined well and treated accordingly to prevent the dangers caused by it.

  • Secondly, you must keep calm and search for ways that keep you safe from the causes of DHMO.

  • You know it is used in many food products, so you know the dangers caused by the DHMO so act according to the situation caused and take consultation from a doctor.

Dangers Associated with the use of Dihydrogen Monoxide

In the above tutorial, have read all about dihydrogen monoxide. Still there are a few things that are unknowingly affecting our body using DHMO. They are as follows.

  • The patients who are undergoing a regular dialysis process, those patients, doctors found an overdose of dihydrogen monoxide. This is causing several other health issues in those patients like congestion in the heart, pulmonary oedema, etc.

  • The second danger is gun violence. DHMO is a readily available chemical used for gun violence in many countries.

  • It is used as a solvent and coolant in many industries and nuclear power plants, it is causing danger to the life of those engineers that are working in those plants.

  • In gaseous form, it causes serious burning and irritation to the skin.


In the above tutorial, we have read about the Dihydrogen Monoxide chemical. Its pros and cons. It is like the structure of water but is different in the property. Despite the danger associated with the DHMO, it is widely used in various industries like the manufacturing of shampoos, shaving creams, and preservatives in food and grocery products. It is used as a solvent and coolant in nuclear reactors. It is widely used even in jarred baby food, carbonated beverages, and soups. DHMO is also used by athletes in anabolic steroids to enhance their performance. There is a myth that dihydrogen monoxide plays a vital role in enhancing feelings.


1. Can using Dihydrogen monoxide improve athletic activity?

Some athletes use dihydrogen monoxide as a regular ingest in their food to enhance their activity against opponents. Some athletes use DHMO immediately before sports activity to gain an edge against opponents, even though some doctors warn that taking DHMO can lead to serious side effects in the future.

2. How does DHMO affect dialysis patients?

The patients undergoing dialysis treatment regularly have found a high dose of dihydrogen monoxide in their body which leads to several other side effects to patients. They have found problems of congestion in the heart and pulmonary oedema.

3. What is the use of Dihydrogen monoxide in the pharmaceutical industry?

Dihydrogen monoxide is used in many chemicals used for the treatment and research laboratory of animals. DHMO is also used in cough syrups and other medicines.

4. Why are Some groups in favour of banning DHMO?

DHMO is a highly reactive chemical and in some species, it has shown mutation in DNA, denatures protein molecules, and disrupts cell membrane. It is found in some dangerous caustic and explosive compounds like sulfuric acid and ethyl alcohol. There are various other reasons to ban hydronium hydroxide.

5. What are the dangers associated with the use of hydronium hydroxide?

Prolonged exposure to dihydrogen monoxide causes tissue damage and severe burns on the skin. The accidental inhalation of DHMO causes vomiting, nausea, bloating, skin problems, etc. It also causes soil erosion.

Updated on: 30-Jan-2024


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