Difficulties in Implementing Data Warhouse

Data Warehouse

A data warehouse is a type of data management system which help perform activities such as business analysis and support business intelligence. A large amount of data set is collected from different sources and analyses are performed to make quick and effective decisions by providing necessary information. It consistently provides information and makes the data accurate, verified, and adaptive in nature. A large amount of historical data is provided to perform the analysis. Also, data warehouse helps in recovering from database failure and are a feature of the data mining process.

Difficulties in Implementing Data warhouse

  • To implement a data warehouse, we need to make a plan and execute the work accordingly to make the performance better.

  • The main focus must be on construction, administration, and quality control which generally have issues when implementing the data warehouse.

  • The design and implementation are the factors that are looked upon while implementing the warehouse.

  • While doing manual data processing, the data which is entered is at risk of whether it is correct or not.

  • The management of a data warehouse is a labor−intensive task that increases in complexity and scale as a result.

  • The organization should be able to understand the complexity of the administration under which data warehouses get administered.

  • Modifications need to be done in warehouse schema and acquisition components to handle the modifications.

  • Data warehousing’s important issues are quality control and data inconsistency.

  • Database administrators face challenges like consistency.

  • Meddling data from different sources is a key challenge that impacts in naming, domain definitions, and identification numbers.

  • Whenever there is any change in the source database, The data warehouse administrator must perform interactions with the elements of the data warehouses.

  • The accuracy of data must be good enough to perform tasks efficiently.

  • The warehouse should be designed to accommodate the addition and attrition of data sources which therefore prevents redesigning.

  • Use projections ought to be assessed safely preceding the development of the data warehouse and ought to be reconsidered consistently to reflect current prerequisites

  • The warehouse must be designed to handle changes in sources and source data as it might get advanced in the coming future.

  • To handle traditional database administration, some high−level skills are required by data warehouse administration.

  • Due to the changes in technologies, the requirements and capabilities of the warehouse will be affected which results in a task to fit the available source data into the data warehouse model

Some challenging processes include

Data Integration: It might be a difficult process to combine data from different sources, but data warehouses are made to do just that. The data may be kept in various forms using various data models. It might be difficult to include this data in a coherent and consistent data warehouse.

Data Integrity: The success of a data warehouse depends on the integrity of the data. Analysis that is mistaken or lacking key information can have a big influence on decisions made by companies. Data cleansing and validation must be done carefully to ensure data quality, which can take time and be difficult.

Data Volume: It might be difficult to manage and process the enormous volumes of data that can be found in data warehouses. To make sure that the system is capable of handling the appropriate workload, managing the volume of data involves careful planning, design, and optimization.

Performance: To enable corporate intelligence and analytics, data warehouses must offer quick query response times. It is because data warehouses need complicated indexing plans, query optimization methodologies, and complicated data models to achieve high performance which can sometimes be difficult.

Security: Security is essential because data warehouses hold sensitive information. It can be difficult to implement strong security measures, such as access control, data encryption, and data masking, especially when working with massive amounts of data.

Cost: Setting up a data warehouse may be costly due to the high expenses of the necessary hardware, software, and upkeep. The expense of implementing a data warehouse must be compared against the anticipated advantages in decision−making and efficiency.

Change management: Data warehouses are intended to help corporate decision−making, they must take into account modifications to business procedures and needs. To guarantee that the data warehouse can adapt to changing business demands, effective change management practices must be in place.

Business Requirements: It might be difficult to plan and implement a data warehouse that satisfies corporate needs. Complex business requirements may call for specialized data models, analytics, or reporting tools. Planning, communication, and coordination between business stakeholders and IT teams are necessary to meet these needs.

Some steps to implement a better way are

  • Users' hopes regarding project completion should be managed accordingly.

  • The data warehouse should be made evenly.

  • The data warehouse should be made evenly.

  • Business/provider relation is best practice


This article consists of difficulties while implementation of the data warehouse. Data warehouse helps in analysis and support to the business. Difficulties faced while implementing a data warehouse are the execution of the plan to perform, Construction, administration, and quality control of data, manual data processing risk, meddling data of sources, data accuracy, etc. Some challenging processes are data integration, data integrity, data volume, performance, security, cost, change management, and business requirements.

Updated on: 14-Jul-2023


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