Differentiate between NAS and DAS in Computer Network.


NAS stands for Network Attached Storage. It is storage devices that connect to a network and support file access services to computer systems. These devices generally include an engine that executes the file services and one or more devices on which data is stored. NAS uses file access protocols such as NFS or CIFS.

NAS storage frequently has a lower startup cost because the current network can be used. This can be very engaging to small-to-medium size businesses. There are multiple protocols that can be used for file sending including NFS for UNIX clients and CIF for Windows clients. Most NAS models execute the storage arrays as iSCSI targets that can be transmitted across the internet. Dedicated iSCSI networks can also be set up to boost network throughput.

It is created for those network systems, which can be processing thousands of operations per minute. It supports the storage appliance for the organization, which requires a reliable network system. It is more cost-effective than the file servers and more adaptable than the external disks.


DAS stands for Direct-attached storage. It is computer storage that is connected to one computer and not accessible to another. The System of DAS is attached directly to the computer through the HBA (Host Bus Adapter).

DAS drives can be used to operate with individual devices such as backup for a computer, as video storage for a TV, or as a quick file transfer option for secure information. DAS is well appropriated for a small-to-medium-sized business where sufficient storage can be set up at a low startup cost.

The DAS enclosure will be an independent neighboring cabinet that includes the additional disk drives. An internal PCI-based RAID controller is generally set up in the server to link to the storage.

As compared to NAS devices, its device connects directly to the server without the network. The modern systems of this storage device include the integrated controllers of a disk array with advanced features.


The major differences between NAS and DAS are as follows −

NAS stands for Network Attached Storage.DAS stands for Direct Attached Storage.
It is moderate to install.It is easy to install.
The cost of this storage device is higher than the DAS device.Its cost is low as compared to NAS.
It uses Ethernet and TCP/IP for the transmission of data.It uses IDE/SCSI for the transmission of data.
It allows sharing files at a different operating system.It does not allow sharing files at a different operating system.
NAS is more complex than DAS.DAS is not complex.
It uses files for backup and recovery.It uses sectors for backup and recovery.

Updated on: 05-May-2021


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