Different Types of Software Testing

Testing is the process of running a software and looking for flaws. Our program must be error-free in order to work effectively. If the testing is completed successfully, the program will be free of any faults.

Testing Principles

  • All tests must satisfy the customer's needs.

  • To make our software testing more efficient, we should use a third party.

  • It is impossible to do exhaustive testing. We need the optimum quantity of testing depending on the application's risk assessment.

  • All tests that will be undertaken should be prepared before they are carried out.

  • It adheres to the Pareto rule (80/20 rule), which claims that 80% of software mistakes are caused by 20% of programme components.

  • Begin with minor components and work your way up to larger ones.

Let us now take a look at different types of Testing Methodologies.

Unit Testing

It concentrates on the tiniest aspect of software development. This is where we test a single unit or a collection of interconnected units. The programmer often does this task by utilising sample input and seeing the accompanying results.


  • In a program, we check to see whether the loop, method, or function is operating properly.

  • Arithmetic precedence is misunderstood or erroneous.

  • Incomplete or incorrect initialization

The Benefits of Unit Testing

  • Unit tests give a fundamental overview of the unit API for developers who want to discover what functionality a unit provides and how to utilize it.

  • Unit testing enables the programmer to rewrite code at a later time while ensuring that the module continues to function properly (i.e. Regression testing). The practise is to create test cases for all functions and methods so that any changes that cause a problem can be swiftly discovered and corrected.

  • We can test portions of the project without having to wait for others to finish due to the modular structure of unit testing.

Disadvantages of Unit Testing

  • It's unrealistic to expect unit testing to catch every bug in a software. Even in the simplest programmes, it is impossible to assess all potential execution routes.

  • By definition, unit testing focuses on a single piece of code. As a result, it is unable to detect integration or system-wide issues.

Integration Testing

The goal is to take unit-tested components and use them to create a program structure that is determined by design. Integration testing entails combining a number of components to achieve a result.

There are four kinds of integration testing: I From the top down (ii) From the bottom up (iii) Sandwich (iv) Big-Bang


  • Testing in a Black Box −It's a validation tool. We disregard the underlying working mechanisms and concentrate on the result.

  • Testing in a White Box − It's a verification tool. This section focuses on internal mechanisms, or how the output is produced.

Integration testing has the following benefits

  • Integration testing is a method for systematically putting together a software system while running tests to find issues related to interface.

  • The application is tested to ensure that it satisfies the client's requirements and to reassure the development team that the assumptions made during unit testing are valid.

  • Integration testing does not have to wait until all of a system's modules have been written and unit tested. It can instead start as soon as the necessary modules are accessible.

  • Integration testing, often known as incremental testing, is required to ensure that the software modules operate together.

  • Incremental, Top-down, Bottom-Up, Sandwich, and Big Bang Integration approaches are among the strategies used in System Integration testing.

Integration testing's drawbacks include

  • Integration testing is carried out in the software industry using a number of methodologies, including

  • The Big Bang Method

  • The Incremental Approach is further broken into the following sections.

  • An Approach from the Top Down

  • An Approach from the Ground Up

  • Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches are combined in the Sandwich Approach.

Regression Testing

Every time a new module is added, the application is updated. This form of testing ensures that the whole component functions correctly, even after other components have been added to the program.

Example − In a school record, let's say we have modules for staff, pupils, and money. Combining these modules and confirming whether they perform properly after integration is regression testing.

Regression Testing Challenges

The following are the most common regression testing issues

  • Test suites grow in size as more regression runs are performed. The whole regression test suite cannot be run due to time and financial restrictions.

  • Minimizing the test suite while yet getting maximum coverage is a difficult task.

  • Determining the frequency of Regression Tests, such as after each modification, build update, or set of issue patches, is difficult.

Smoke Testing

This test ensures that the program under test is ready or stable for further evaluation. It's termed a smoke test since it's used to see whether it caught fire or produced smoke when turned on for the first time.

For example, if a project contains two modules, check sure module 1 is working correctly before moving on to module 2.

The Benefits of Smoke Testing

  • It aids in the early detection of issues throughout the testing process.

  • It aids in the detection of difficulties that have arisen as a result of component integration.

  • It assists in ensuring that the bugs corrected in the previous version do not have an influence on the application's primary features.

  • To do smoke testing, just a small number of test cases are necessary.

  • Smoke testing may be completed in a short amount of time.

Smoke testing has a number of drawbacks.

  • The extensive testing is not covered by smoke testing.

  • Because it is a non-exhaustive test with a tiny number of test cases, we are unable to uncover additional serious flaws.

Alpha Testing

Validation testing is what this is. It's a form of acceptability testing that takes place before a product is made available to the public. QA personnel are usually in charge of this.

Example − When a company's software is tested inside, it's called internal software testing.

The benefits of conducting an alpha test

  • You complete sufficient and rigorous testing − Both black box and white box testing are used in alpha testing. The input and output functionality of the system will be thoroughly tested using black-box testing methodologies. The white box methodologies, on the other hand, examine the system's architecture and internal structure. It's critical to check the input and output flows of the product for all needed and probable circumstances.

  • Improved software quality − Alpha testing involves putting the system through its paces in a simulated environment that is comparable to the one in which it will be utilized. This generates realistic testing circumstances, attempting to sympathize as much as possible with end-users. Of course, if the program is put through beta testing, the team will receive input from real users. Any and any early input should greatly enhance the quality of the final product.

  • A slew of usability and dependability insights − Alpha testing allows developers to see how the system will perform once it is introduced to the public. The product team will be able to assess the system's performance and get an early sense of its usability and dependability. These insights will aid the product team in making the best judgments possible about the system's future enhancements.

  • Alpha testing helps the testing team to detect potential production issues ahead of time, resulting in less rework and a faster delivery schedule. This enables the development team to identify and resolve any potential production concerns before the system goes live. This cuts down on rework in development and the time it takes to deliver later updates.

The drawbacks of doing an alpha test

  • Alpha testing is an important part of the development process, and we always advise teams to allocate time and resources to it.

  • However, there are a handful of disadvantages to alpha testing. Fortunately, being aware of them should help to mitigate their impact:

  • Alpha testing entails a longer test execution time: the entire product will be tested at a high level and in depth utilizing various black box and white box approaches during alpha testing. As a result, the test execution cycle will take longer to finish. The length of the testing cycle is also determined by the product's characteristics and the number of problems discovered throughout the process. If the product has more features and a large number of flaws are discovered, the testing process will take longer.

  • Non-functional requirement testing is limited in the virtual environment.

Beta Testing

The beta test is carried out at one or more client locations by the software's end-user. This version is only available to a select group of people for real-time testing.


When software testing is done for a small group of individuals.

System Testing

This program has been thoroughly tested to ensure that it is compatible with a variety of operating systems. It's covered by the black box testing approach. We just concentrate on the needed input and output in this case, not on internal operations.

Security testing, recovery testing, stress testing, and performance testing are all included.


This includes both functional and non-functional testing.

Stress Testing

In this experiment, we put the system under adverse circumstances and see how it responds.


  • Test cases requiring the most memory or other resources are run.

  • In a virtual operating system, test cases that might induce thrashing

  • Test situations that may need a large amount of storage space

Performance Testing

Its purpose is to evaluate software's run-time performance in the context of an integrated system. It's used to see how fast and effective the software is. It's also known as load testing. It determines how well the system performs under a particular load.

Example − Checking the number of processor cycles.

Object-Oriented Testing

This kind of testing combines a number of different testing methodologies to evaluate and validate object-oriented software. This testing is carried out as follows −

  • Testing of Requirements,

  • Testing Design and Analysis,

  • Code Validation

  • Testing for integration,

  • System evaluation,

  • User testing

Updated on: 30-Nov-2021


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