Differences Between Synthetic and Regular Oil

When it comes to oils, there are two main types − synthetic and regular. Synthetic oils are man-made and derived from petroleum products. They're often used to make products like cosmetics, detergents, and lubricants. Regular oils, on the other hand, are made from natural ingredients and have been used for centuries to nourish and protect the skin.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when deciding which type of oil is right for you −

  • Synthetic oils are often cheaper than regular oils.

  • Regular oils tend to be more absorbent than synthetic oils.

  • Synthetic oils can be more irritating to the skin than regular oils.

Read this article to find out more about Synthetic and Regular Oil and how they are different from each other.

What is Synthetic Oil?

Synthetic oil is a man-made product that is designed to replace or enhance the performance of natural oils. It is made by combining two or more chemical substances to create a new product with specific properties.

There are two main types of synthetic oil − Mineral and Synthetic. Mineral oil is made from refined crude oil, while synthetic oil is made from chemicals that are artificially created in a laboratory.

Both types of synthetic oils have their pros and cons, but for the most part, synthetic oils are seen as being superior to mineral oils. They are more stable and less likely to break down under high temperatures or intense use, which makes them perfect for use in engines and other machinery.

Synthetic oil is actually created in a lab, which gives it a more consistent quality than regular oil. This means that it doesn't vary as much in viscosity (thickness) or composition, making it a better choice for performance-based applications. It also doesn't break down as easily over time, making it a more durable option.

As for comfort, synthetic oil tends to be lighter and less viscous than regular oil. This means that it's less likely to clog pores or cause skin irritation. It also feels cooler on the skin, making it ideal for summer weather.

Benefits of Using Synthetic Oil

Synthetic oil is more resistant to heat and breakdown. This means your engine will stay cleaner since it won’t be dealing with sludge buildup over time. It also means your engine will be able to run stronger and longer.

Synthetic oils are also thinner, meaning they can flow through your engine more easily and provide better lubrication. This helps reduce friction between moving parts, which can increase engine life.

Finally, synthetic oils come in a wide range of viscosities that can be tailored for different engines and temperatures. This makes them well suited for extreme weather conditions or high-performance cars where conventional oils may not provide as much protection.

Disadvantages of Using Synthetic Oil

Despite the many benefits, synthetic oil isn’t without its drawbacks. Let’s take a look at the main things you should know before making the switch −

  • Cost − Synthetic oil is more expensive than conventional oil, because the manufacturing process is more complex and requires expensive ingredients.

  • Volatility − Synthetic oils can start to break down faster than regular oil under extreme temperatures, so it may require more frequent changes.

  • Compatibility − Some older engines may not be compatible with synthetic oil, so you need to check your owner's manual before making the switch.

It's also important to note that synthetic oils are usually not recommended for use in engines that have higher than normal levels of wear and tear or when using heavier grade oils due to increased levels of anti-wear components.

What is Regular Oil?

Regular oil, sometimes called cold-pressed oil, is a natural oil that's been extracted from a plant or seed. It's typically made from vegetables, nuts, seeds or fruits.

The production process of regular oil is pretty simple. The oil is cold-pressed from the plant or seed, which means it's compressed at a low temperature to extract the oil. This method helps to keep the oil's nutrients and antioxidants intact.

Because regular oil is minimally processed, it retains its natural color, flavor and aroma. It also has a higher smoke point than synthetic oil, meaning it can be used for cooking at a higher temperature without breaking down.

Disadvantages of Using Regular oil

Another key difference between synthetic and regular oil is their respective drawbacks. Starting with regular oil, the primary disadvantage is that it breaks down more easily than synthetic oil. This means it’s more likely to leave behind deposits in your engine which can damage its performance.

Regular oil also needs to be changed more often since it breaks down quickly and starts to lose its beneficial properties after being processed by your engine. That means having to take your vehicle into a shop or service center more often, adding unnecessary hassle and expense.

Lastly, you also want to make sure you get the right grade of regular oil for your particular engine-otherwise you run the risk of not getting the protection your engine needs, resulting in a shorter lifespan or worse.

Differences between Synthetic and Regular Oil

The following table highlights the major differences between Synthetic and Regular Oil −


Synthetic oil

Regular oil


Synthetic oil is a man-made product that is designed to replace or enhance the performance of natural oils.

Regular oil, sometimes called cold-pressed oil, is a natural oil that's been extracted from a plant or seed


More Volatile

Less Volatile

Changing time

7,500-10,000 miles or six months.

3,000-5,000 miles or three months.


More expensive

Less expensive

Cost Comparison of Synthetic Vs Regular Oil

When it comes to the cost comparison, synthetic oil generally costs more than conventional oil. It varies by brand, so it's important to do your research and make sure you are getting the best deal. The upside of synthetic oil is that it often doesn't need to be changed as often as conventional oil, so you could be saving money in the long run.

The other thing to consider is how often you need to change the oil. Generally speaking, conventional oil needs to be changed every 3,000-5,000 miles or three months (whichever comes first). With synthetic oils, however, you may only have to change it every 7,500- 10,000 miles or six months (again depending on your dealership or manufacturer's recommendation). So if you don't drive a lot and/or prefer less frequent maintenance for your car's engine then synthetic oil might be a better choice for you.


In a nutshell, we can conclude that the synthetic oil users have to change oil frequently, because this oil keeps the engine clean, and there no need of changing oil frequently. When it comes regular oil we have to change the oil for every thousand miles for better functionality of an engine. So, the synthetic oil is better than the regular oil.

Updated on: 13-Feb-2023


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