Differences between Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud

Cloud storage is a computing service paradigm that allows a user to access data stored in a remote location at any point of time on any device through the internet. This is made possible via a cloud provider, who stored this data at a distant, offsite location.

The difficulty in distinguishing between the terms hybrid cloud and multi-cloud is that these two phrases are frequently used synonymously. Despite the similarities, there is one significant distinction.

Before we look at the distinction between hybrid and multi-cloud, we need first to understand private and public cloud

What is Public Cloud?

A public cloud is cloud service that several customers use without interacting with one another, much as multiple customers might use the same bank without drawing on each other's funds.

What is Private Cloud?

A private cloud is cloud service that is explicitly and exclusively dedicated to the use of one user. An enterprise may either construct and manage its private cloud or hire an external provider to host it for them.

What does Hybrid Cloud mean?

The phrase "multi-cloud" refers to the combination and integration of many public clouds.

Hybrid cloud components often work together, which is opposite to the working of multi-cloud. On-premise infrastructure can be an internal data center or any other IT infrastructure that runs within a corporate network

In terms of cost, multi-cloud will prioritize the usage of third-party clouds and cost control

Advantages of Hybrid Cloud

  • Upkeep of private infrastructure, with emphasis on disaster recovery, security, and compliance

  • Using agile methodologies while optimizing regular operations and functionality

  • Scalability in an efficient manner

  • Security- sensitive data is stored on-premises

What does Multi-Cloud mean?

A hybrid cloud mixes on-premises or private cloud computing with public cloud computing. Any IT infrastructure that functions inside a company network qualifies as on-premise infrastructure, including internal data centers.

In a multi-cloud situation, an application could use database services from different cloud providers while performing all computing and networking tasks on a single cloud service. Certain programs might only use Azure resources in multi-cloud configurations. On the other hand, some programs may exclusively use AWS resources. Another instance is the use of both private and public clouds. While other programs might only use resources from private clouds, some might only use resources from public clouds.

Different security tools are present for the public clouds.

Advantages of Multi-Cloud

  • Achieving best-of-breed results for different requirements and departments

  • Decrement in costs

  • Agility

  • Reliability

  • No vendor lock-in

  • Minimizing dependence on a particular provider

  • Increased risk management

Differences between Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Cloud

The following table highlights the major differences between the hybrid cloud and multi-cloud −

Basis of difference Hybrid Cloud Multi-Cloud
Cost Lesser overhead costs and less direct management More overhead and more management
Security Highly secure Less secure
Performance If a public cloud has servers near the network edge, shifting to the cloud can significantly improve performance by reducing latency. Increased latency
Reliability Less space for backups may not assist in recovery Making use of multiple clouds can assist websites and applications be up and running during periods of high user demand because a backup cloud can share the workload when one cloud is overwhelmed
Architecture Hybrid clouds use existing on-premises servers, storage, and networking to support ancillary services like authentication, security, databases, and monitoring. Multi-cloud uses multiple public servers


To summarize, Hybrid Clouds may outperform Multi Clouds in terms of less overhead cost, security, and low latency, whereas Multi Clouds are better in terms of reliability.

Updated on: 25-Oct-2022


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