Differences Between GIT and SVN

When it comes to version control systems (VCS), there are two main types: Git and SVN. GIT is a distributed system, which means that every user has a full copy of the repository. This can be helpful when working on large projects, as it allows for more collaborative development. SVN, on the other hand, is a centralized system, meaning that all the code is stored on a single server. This can be more efficient for smaller projects, as it doesn't require as much bandwidth.

GIT is more versatile but can be a bit more complicated to use; SVN is simpler but may not be as well-suited to large projects. GIT is mainly used in software development, where its branching model makes it easy to plan and manage different versions of the same project. SVN, on the other hand, typically works better for projects that involve fixed versions, such as documents and images.

Read this article to find out more about GIT and SVN and how they are different from each other.

What is GIT?

GIT is a version control software used by developers to keep track of changes to their code. GIT is a distributed version control system, which means that every developer has a full copy of the repository and can work on it independently. This makes GIT very scalable and is the reason why it is often used for large projects with many developers. GIT is also a great choice for teams that work with multiple branches of code since it can be used to track changes across all branches.

One of the main advantages of GIT over SVN is speed. When dealing with a very large codebase and many contributors, GIT can process changes in a fraction of the time. Not to mention, when you want to work on a project from your local machine, GIT allows you to do so more easily than SVN and with minimal setup.

Another key area where GIT takes the lead is branching. With GIT, developers can create and switch between different branches in order to add features or fix bugs without disrupting the main development branch and the production codebase. This makes it incredibly easy for multiple contributors to work on different parts of the same project at once while keeping everything organized and free from conflicts.

What is SVN?

SVN is a version control software used by developers to keep track of changes in their code. SVN is a centralised system i.e. used for version control. This means that there is a central server that all developers sync their changes with. This makes SVN less scalable than GIT, but it has the advantage of being more reliable, as there is only one point of failure.

One thing that really sets SVN apart from GIT is its dedicated version control system. With GIT, version control is optional, which can lead to issues with file conflicts if multiple developers are working on the same project. With SVN, however, every file you edit is associated with a particular version. This makes it easier for developers to collaborate without worrying about conflicting changes. SVN works well when only one version needs to be shared between different users, as it only requires one repository for all changes to be tracked.

Another advantage is that SVN uses a centralized server model, meaning there's only one repository of files which all users push their changes to. This makes it easier to get visibility into the entire project and its history at any given moment. Additionally, since the system is centralized, it's much easier to manage permissions and access control than in GIT.

Finally, because SVN focuses on atomic commits (a single commit will either succeed or fail entirely), there's much less risk of having incomplete or corrupted commits. So if you're a developer looking for an extra layer of security, stability and reliability - SVN may be worth considering over GIT.

Difference between GIT and SVN

The following table highlights the major differences between GIT and SVN −




Type of control System

GIT is a distributed version control system, which means that every developer has a full copy of the repository and can work on it independently.

SVN is a centralised system i.e. used for version control. This means that there is a central server that all developers sync their changes with.


GIT is known for being fast and efficient, which makes it a popular choice for high-traffic projects

One downside of SVN is that it can be slow and cumbersome, especially when compared to GIT.

Working feature

With GIT, you can create smaller repositories known as "modules." This makes it easier to collaborate with other developers, as each person can work on their own module without having to worry about affecting the rest of the project.

SVN is seen as being more reliable and robust than GIT, making it a good choice for projects that need a high degree of security.


GIT is mainly used in software development, where its branching model makes it easy to plan and manage different versions of the same project.

SVN typically works better for projects that involve fixed versions, such as documents and images.

Tips on Deciding between GIT or SVN

If you're still trying to figure out which version control system is best for your project, here are some tips −

  • Look into how long your project will be in development. GIT is great if you’re working on a long-term project or plan to frequently update files. On the other hand, if you’re working on a smaller project, SVN might be the way to go.

  • Take into account who is working on the project. If multiple developers are collaborating, GIT has more comprehensive tools for managing contributions and allowing them to work simultaneously.

  • Also consider any hosting services that may be involved. Both GIT and SVN provide solutions for remote repositories, but depending on the situation, one may be easier than the other.

At the end of the day, the decision of which version control system to choose will come down to what works best for your team and specific project needs.


Ultimately, which option you choose will depend on your team’s goals and individual needs. For example, if you’re working on a complex project with multiple versions, then GIT is probably your best bet. If you’re dealing with text-based documents or images where only one version needs to be tracked then SVN might make more sense.

Updated on: 13-Feb-2023


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