Differences between Edge Computing and Cloud Computing


A network of distant servers located on the internet that is used for "cloud computing" stores and accesses data. The cloud offers a variety of IT services, including networking, servers, databases, software, and virtual storage, among others. Edge computing is distributed information technology (IT) architecture in which client data is processed as near as feasible to the network's edge source of the data.

What is Edge Computing?

Edge computing relocates a portion of the storage and processing capacity away from the main data center and closer to the actual data source. Instead of sending unprocessed data to a centralized data center for processing and analysis, that work is now done where the data is created, whether that be on the floor of factory, in a retail establishment, a large utility, or throughout smart city. The only output of the computer effort at the edge delivered back to primary data center for analysis, and other human interactions are the real-time business insights, equipment repair projections, or other actionable results. IT and commercial computing are being transformed by edge computing.

What is Cloud Computing?

The word "cloud" is derived from network architecture that network engineers used to describe where different network devices were located and how they were connected. The definition of cloud computing is the storage and use of data and computer resources over the internet. It doesn't keep any information on your computer. It refers to the availability of computer services such as servers, databases, networking, and data storage on demand. The primary goal of cloud computing is to enable widespread user access to data centers. A distant server's data is also accessible to users.

Differences between Edge Computing and Cloud Computing

The following table highlights the major differences between Edge Computing and Cloud Computing −

Basis of Difference Edge Computing Cloud Computing
Definition Edge computing refers to the deployment of data handling or other network activities away from cloud servers and towards the edge of the network, where the data is gathered from the origin point to get beyond the limitations of traditional cloud computing. Cloud computing is the on-demand distribution of computing resources through the Internet instead of a local server or a personal computer. These resources include servers, storage, databases, and applications. The phrase "cloud computing" refers to a particular form of internet-based computing where data and programs are stored and accessed over the Internet. The term "cloud" is metaphor for the Internet.
Architecture By developing a distributed computing paradigm that moves applications and data closer to the network edge and away from the sources of data collection, edge computing expands on the traditional cloud computing model to solve problems with response time, data security, and power consumption. The various loosely linked parts and pieces needed for cloud computing are called cloud computing architecture. It explains the parts and how they relate to one another. Cloud computing is known for providing IT infrastructure and applications to people and businesses as a pay-as-you-go service through the internet.
Suitable for organizations Edge computing is the best solution for processes with severe latency issues. Thus, medium-sized businesses with tight budgets may use edge computing to save money. Cloud computing is better suited for initiatives and businesses dealing with huge data storage.
Programming Programming may be done on a variety of systems with various runtimes. Because they are often created for a single target platform and employ a single programming language, actual programming is better suited for clouds.
Security Edge computing demands a strong security strategy that uses cutting-edge authentication techniques and threats head-on. It necessitates a less thorough security approach.
Examples Autonomous vehicles, smart grid, in-hospital patient monitoring, virtualized radio networks, 5G, cloud gaming, traffic management. Big data analytics, healthcare, education industries, Gmail, AWS, etc.


We found that the two platforms are distinct from one another and cannot be substituted for one another. Because edge technology can address small cloud computing issues, several businesses have adopted it.

The most practical approach to overcoming cloud computing's constraints has surfaced recently, and it is edge computing. Edge computing will complement cloud and on-premises computing to allow unique client experiences. Experts claim that it stands to reason that everyone would eventually want to provide developers with content that is as high-quality and as low-latency as possible in order to produce the best user experiences.

Updated on: 20-Oct-2022


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