Differences between Agile IT Governance and COBIT

Information technology (IT) plays an essential role in the current business world in data management and protection. With everything in the world becoming digitized, businesses need to understand the paramount importance of data governance.

Every IT company and organization manages several departments to streamline operations and achieve maximum profits. However, handling different departments can be overwhelming, especially when you have to do it manually without the help of tools and technology.

There are numerous platforms available for IT companies to help them manage and govern their organization seamlessly and streamline their operations. Agile IT Governance and COBIT are popular platforms that have assisted IT companies for a long time.

What is Agile IT Governance?

The Agile IT governance framework helps senior executives and board members of a company to work in collaboration to achieve a common goal by maximizing their technology advantage. It refers to a set of principles that aims at bringing the best value to a company by focusing on the core matters. This includes ensuring the company's policies and decision-making process informant are perfectly aligned with each other so that each project and program delivers successful results when you incorporate agile into your company's strategic goals.

The critical role of Agile Governance is to monitor and guide a company's agile projects. It comprises processes that explain how an organization works at a different level to deliver results in transparency and clarity.

Whether it's a small, medium, or large-scale organization, every entity or body faces challenges and has to take some risks. Agile Governance helps a company to understand its challenges, tolerance level, and risk-taking capacity. Whether you Companies can apply this framework to a single agile project or a full-scale agile portfolio, depending on their management style.

What is COBIT?

COBIT is a methodology that bridges the gap between IT and business goals to bring them under one roof. It involves steps to assign duties and objectives to company and IT managers that help streamline their processes.

COBIT involves arranging resources to develop, monitor, and improvise a company's IT implementation by reducing costs and improving privacy standards. Some primary resources of COBIT include frameworks, control objectives, maturity models, management guidelines, and process descriptions to streamline the management and Governance of IT organizations.

Difference Between Agile IT Governance and COBIT

Agile IT


Primary Goal

The primary goal of agile Governance is to streamline communication and understanding across the entire team. An elegant model is only created when it has scope for clarity and improved communication, offering a better experience of the IT tasks set to be done. Otherwise, it will lead to more complexity.

The goal of the COBIT framework is to establish a common language for IT professionals, executives, and compliance auditors to communicate effectively about goals, objectives, IT controls, and outcomes. A common language is of utmost importance for an enterprise, or they must spend more time educating individual auditors about the whereabouts and nitty-gritty of specific IT controls.

Core Objective

Agile IT governance focuses more on collaboration between different individuals for the seamless execution of a specific task or project. It concentrates entirely on the working Governance of a company as a whole.

COBIT IT governance focuses more on control. Having control over a task encourages businesses for proper documentation and negotiation. It deals with plans, procedures, and policies that are reviewed, adequately documented, maintained, and approved for training purposes. It is beneficial for maintaining and managing the baseline activities of a company and its legal purposes.


Agile Governance emphasizes more interactions than focusing on faster adaptation. It allows teams to handle and adapt to changes while remaining flexible as per current circumstances.

COBIT governance focuses on faster adaptation by using tools and processes. This can be helpful and effective, but only for a specific period. COBIT can be more useful if combined with the agile principles focusing more on interactions and individuals rather than tools and processes.


Three core principles of Agile IT governance include

  • Aligning business with its desired objectives

  • Implementing an agile culture by promoting collaboration through encouragement

  • Monitor performance metrics ensuring the team stays on the right track

Principles of COBIT include

  • End-to-end coverage of the enterprise

  • Developing a single integrated framework for organizations

  • Addressing stakeholder requirements

  • Creating a holistic approach Separating Governance from Management

Implementing Governance

Agile IT framework

Agile teams and leaders must discuss, negotiate and agree on the ideals followed by setting expectations they can fulfill. Most important, everyone must understand these expectations from the start.

Make sure agile teams report their work progress while keeping business objectives in mind.

Teams must invite their leaders for daily meetings and simplify communications that keep everybody informed about the delivery's progress and any blockers they face.

Mostly hybrid processes like "waterscrumfall" and "fragile" could increase the chance of failure.

Start with a small pilot project, as it allows your team to adapt and become comfortable with the new Governance.

COBIT IT framework

The first stage is to reach out to the stakeholders and hold a meeting to define and map out the IT goals of the company. This includes plans that address the current problem the company is facing and pinpoint what IT processes to implement.


Check whether the goals can be achieved with the current resources or if you need to bring new software and infrastructure.

The next step is to create several benchmarks to meet the established goals of the IT department. Each model must be made to bring the team closer to achieving the goals. You can also set a timeframe so stakeholders can quickly check the progress.


Agile and COBIT IT Governance cover similar areas, and both platforms work efficiently to realize a company's goals. COBIT is a framework applicable primarily in large and mature IT enterprises as it requires many IT processes with an enormous enterprise IT to govern whether Agile IT governance is a good choice for all types of organizations, whether you are at the starting age or an already-established organization.

Updated on: 11-Jan-2023


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