Difference between Virtualization and Hypervisor

Virtualization and hypervisor are closely related concepts in the field of computer science, specifically in the domain of system virtualization. While they are interconnected, they represent different aspects of the virtualization technology.

What is Virtualization?

Virtualization is a technique that allows the creation and operation of multiple virtual environments or virtual machines (VMs) on a single physical computer or server. It enables the sharing of hardware resources, such as processing power, memory, and storage, among multiple operating systems or applications. Each virtual machine functions as an independent and isolated entity, running its own operating system and applications. There are 4 main types of virtualization viz, Server virtualization, Storage virtualization, Network virtualization, Desktop virtualization

Benefits of Virtualization

  • Improved resource utilization: Virtualization allows better utilization of hardware resources by running multiple virtual instances on a single physical system. This reduces hardware costs and increases efficiency.

  • Increased scalability and flexibility: Virtualization provides the ability to easily scale up or down resources as needed, allowing organizations to adapt to changing demands without significant hardware changes.

  • Cost savings: By consolidating multiple virtual instances onto fewer physical machines, organizations can reduce their hardware and energy costs. Additionally, virtualization simplifies management and maintenance, leading to further cost savings.

Virtualization Technologies and Platforms

  • Hypervisor: A hypervisor, also known as a virtual machine monitor (VMM), is a software or hardware layer that enables the creation and management of virtual machines (VMs). It provides the necessary isolation and resource allocation for virtual instances.

  • VMware: VMware is a leading virtualization software company that offers a range of products for server, desktop, and network virtualization. Their flagship product, VMware vSphere, is a comprehensive virtualization platform for data centers.

  • Microsoft Hyper−V: Hyper−V is a hypervisor−based virtualization platform developed by Microsoft. It provides virtualization capabilities for servers, desktops, and networks and is commonly used in Windows environments.

  • KVM: Kernel−based Virtual Machine (KVM) is an open−source virtualization technology that is part of the Linux kernel. It provides hardware virtualization capabilities and is widely used in Linux−based virtualization solutions.

Virtualization and Cloud Computing

Virtualization is a fundamental technology underlying cloud computing. Cloud service providers use virtualization to create and manage virtual instances in their data centers, offering scalable and on−demand resources to users.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Performance: Virtualization introduces a layer of abstraction, which can introduce some performance overhead compared to running on bare metal.

  • Security: Virtualization introduces new security considerations, such as the need to secure the hypervisor and properly isolate virtual instances.

  • Licensing: Virtualization can have implications for software licensing, as some software vendors have specific licensing requirements for virtual environments.

  • Resource management: Effective management of virtual resources is crucial to ensure optimal performance and resource allocation.

What is Hypervisor?

A hypervisor, also known as a virtual machine monitor (VMM), is a software or firmware layer that enables the creation and management of virtual machines. It runs directly on the physical hardware and abstracts the underlying resources, allowing multiple operating systems to run concurrently.

The hypervisor provides a virtualization layer that acts as an intermediary between the physical hardware and the virtual machines. It controls the allocation of hardware resources, manages the execution of virtual machines, and ensures their isolation and security.

  • Types of Hypervisors: There are two main types of hypervisors:

    • Type 1 Hypervisor (Bare Metal Hypervisor): This hypervisor runs directly on the physical hardware and controls the resources.

    • Type 2 Hypervisor (Hosted Hypervisor): This hypervisor runs as a software layer on top of an existing operating system.

  • Benefits of Hypervisors:

    • Server Consolidation: Hypervisors enable multiple VMs to run on a single physical server, consolidating hardware resources and maximizing server utilization.

    • Resource Allocation: Hypervisors allow the allocation of specific amounts of CPU, memory, storage, and network resources to each VM, ensuring efficient utilization and isolation.

    • Isolation: Hypervisors provide strong isolation between VMs, preventing failures in one VM from affecting others.

    • Hardware Abstraction: Hypervisors abstract the underlying hardware, enabling VMs to run different operating systems and software configurations without requiring changes to the physical infrastructure.

    • Live Migration: Hypervisors often support live migration, allowing VMs to be moved from one physical host to another without disrupting services.

  • Use Cases:

    • Server Virtualization: Hypervisors are commonly used for server consolidation, enabling multiple virtual servers to run on a single physical server.

    • Development and Testing: Hypervisors provide an isolated environment for developers to test software configurations and new applications without impacting the production environment.

    • Desktop Virtualization: Hypervisors enable the creation of virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), allowing multiple desktop operating systems to run on a single physical machine.

    • Cloud Computing: Hypervisors are a fundamental component of cloud computing, providing the underlying virtualization layer that enables the creation and management of virtual machines in cloud environments.

  • Popular Hypervisor Technologies:

    • Type 1 Hypervisors: VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper−V, Citrix XenServer, KVM (Kernel−based Virtual Machine).

    • Type 2 Hypervisors: VMware Workstation, Oracle VirtualBox, Microsoft Virtual PC.

  • Security Considerations: As hypervisors manage multiple VMs sharing the same physical resources, security is crucial. Hypervisor security measures include access controls, VM isolation, secure configurations, regular updates, and vulnerability patching.

Difference between Virtualization and Hypervisor

The following table highlights the major differences between Virtualization and Hypervisor:





Virtualization refers to the process of creating virtual versions of resources, such as operating systems, servers, storage devices, or networks.

A hypervisor, also known as a virtual machine monitor (VMM), is a software or firmware that enables the creation and management of virtual machines.


Consolidates multiple physical resources into a single virtual resource to improve resource utilization and efficiency.

Provides a platform for creating and running multiple virtual machines (VMs) on a single physical machine.


Broad concept that encompasses various forms such as server virtualization, network virtualization, and desktop virtualization

Specific software layer responsible for managing and allocating resources to individual VMs.


Manages the entire virtualization environment, including the creation, deployment, and management of virtual resources.

Controls the execution of multiple VMs by dividing and sharing physical resources among them.


Can be implemented without a hypervisor by using software−based virtualization techniques.

Requires a hypervisor to enable the creation and operation of VMs.

Use Cases

Provides the foundation for cloud computing, data center consolidation, and efficient resource allocation.

Enables running multiple operating systems, isolating applications, and testing new software configurations.

Deployment Models

Virtualization can be implemented in various ways, such as server virtualization, desktop virtualization, or network virtualization.

Hypervisors are typically deployed as Type 1 (bare−metal) or Type 2 (hosted) hypervisors. Type 1 hypervisors run directly on the host hardware, while Type 2 hypervisors run on top of an operating system.


VMware, Microsoft Hyper−V, KVM, Xen

VMware ESXi, Microsoft Hyper−V, Citrix XenServer, KVM.


Virtualization is a broader concept that encompasses the creation of virtual instances, while the hypervisor specifically refers to the software or firmware layer that enables virtualization. Virtualization allows the simultaneous execution of multiple operating systems or applications on a single physical machine, while the hypervisor manages the virtual machines and ensures efficient resource utilization and isolation.

Updated on: 12-Jul-2023

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