Difference between the 70s and 80s Ribosomes


Ribosomes are critical functional units of cells. These cellular subunits are quite curricula in the overall regulation and synthesis of proteins. The cellular organelles are found in different structures in different ranges of organisms. The eukaryotic organisms possess 80S ribosomes whereas the 70s ribosomes are found in prokaryotic organisms. These units have their distinct set of traits.

What are Ribosomes?

Ribosomes are the cellular organelles that operate during the synthesis of proteins. Ribosomes in the eukaryotic organisms are larger than the prokaryotic organisms. Mitochondria and chloroplasts can create their respective ribosomes. These units are made of RNA which forms the larger subunit, whereas the protein forms the small subunits. These two distinct subunits are created in the nucleus and combine at the site of the cytoplasm. This event occurs during the course of protein synthesis.

The ribosome found in the eukaryotic organisms is referred 80s ribosomes, whereas the ones present in the small organisms or prokaryotes are termed 70s ribosomes. The particles of ribosomes are synthesized at the site of nucleolus.

The ribosomal particles attach when ribosome joins to messenger RNA in the course of protein synthesis. ‘Ribosomes in association with other RNA molecule that is tRNA aids in the translation of the genes that code proteins into proteins that are found in mRNA. Ribosomes combines amino acids to create ‘polypeptide chains that are further translated to form functional proteins.

Ribosomes primarily exists as free ribosome and bound ribosomes in eukaryotic organisms. The free ribosomes help in creating proteins that operate in cystol. The bound ribosomes on the other hand creates proteins that are liberated from cell or are included added to cellular membranes. Both of these kinds of cells are helpful in the creation of aggregates that are referred to as polyribosomes.

Functions of Ribosome

Some of the crucial functions of ribosomes are mentioned below.

  • The ribosomes help in assembling the amino acids it helps in the formation of protein that further aids in conducting various cellular activities.

  • The DNA is useful in the creation of mRNA by the course of DNA transcription.

  • The mRNA is further synthesised at the site of the nucleus which is moved to the cytoplasm for the events of protein synthesis.

  • The ribosomal particles present in the cytoplasm are attached to the polymers of mRNA. The tRNA aids in synthesizing the proteins.

  • The proteins that are synthesized in cytoplasm are further used up within the cytoplasm. The proteins are synthesized by bound ribosomes and are moved out of the cellular region.

Overview of the 70s and 80s Ribosome

There are two different kinds of ribosomes found in the range of organisms. One is 70s ribosomes and the other is 80S ribosomes.

70s ribosomes

These ribosomes are found in prokaryotic creatures. These cellular units are built with 30s and 50s ribosomes. The S mentioned in the ribosomes is associated with Swedberg's sedimentation rate. The smaller unit contains 16S rRNA and above 20 proteins. The larger unit contains 23s, 5s rRNAs and 30 proteins. These ribosomes are within the range of 15-20nm in size.

These ribosomes are found around the plasma region. They also act as a key site for the synthesis of protein. They combine in vast numbers along with m RNA to produce polysomes.

80s ribosomes

The 80s ribosomes are found in the larger organisms that are eukaryotes. Primarily the 80s ribosomes are made of 40s type and 60s type ribosomes. The ribosomes are practically void of membranes and they are combined with other organelles and plasma membrane.

Difference Between 70s and 80s Ribosomes

The difference between 70s and 80s ribosomes are as mentioned below.

70s ribosomes

80s ribosomes

They are primarily obtained in prokaryotic cells. It also exists in some eukaryotic cells.

These are found in eukaryotic cells.

These ribosomes are obtained in a free state within cytoplasm. These organelles are located in mitochondria and chloroplast.

These are located in the cytoplasm and are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.

They primarily synthesise within the cytoplasm of prokaryotes.

These are mainly obtained in the cytoplasm or are combined with the endoplasmic reticulum.

The smaller part is 30s while the larger unit is 50s.

The small section is 40s and the large section is 50s.

The sedimentation coefficient is 70.

The sedimentation coefficient is 80.

The ratio of RNA-to-Protein is 2:1.

The RNA-to-protein ratio found in these ribosomes is 1:1.

These ribosomes are known to retain around 8000 amino acids.

The 80s ribosomes contain around 16000 units of amino acids.


Ribosomes are a critically important cellular unit that helps in various functions of the cellular body. Mostly the ribosomes help in the course of protein synthesis. Ribosomes are found in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. Ribosomes that are majorly found in prokaryotes are termed 70s ribosomes and the ones found in eukaryotes are 80s ribosomes. These ribosomes have their respective set of traits and functionalities.


Qns 1. What is the protein content of 70s ribosomes?

Ans. There are around 55 protein molecules in this type of ribosome along with 34 larger units and 21 small units. The antibiotic inhibits the course of protein synthesis in 70s ribosomes.

Qns 2. What is the amount of protein found in 80s ribosomes?

Ans. The 80s ribosome contains around 73 molecules of proteins, it has 40 larger units and 33 smaller units of protein. Consumption of antibiotics does not interfere with the protein synthesis of 80s ribosomes. These ribosomes are found in eukaryotic organisms.

Qns 3. What is associated with the symbol S?

Ans. The S associated with the ribosomes is referred to as the Swedberg’s sedimentation rate. The sedimentation rate denotes the measurement of the density and the size of the sub-particles of the ribosome.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2023


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