Difference between Takt Time and Cycle Time

When planning and putting into action plans for a project, project managers frequently consider tactics and techniques that will allow them to cut down on the amount of time and resources that are wasted in order to build a seamless workflow based on the requirements of the customers.

There is a straightforward method that may remove the element of uncertainty while modifying a process; this method is known as "Takt Time," and it can help you get concrete outcomes from the projects you work on. This is sometimes mistaken with "Cycle Time," which is yet another phrase that is somewhat analogous. We provide a detailed explanation of the disparities between the two measurements.

What is Takt Time?

In today's cutthroat business environment, organizations work hard to distinguish themselves from their rivals by looking for new methods to cut back on the amount of time and resources they need to spend to run their operations efficiently and on schedule.

The use of takt time may assist organizations of any size in gaining valuable insights from the time they spend working on their projects in order to satisfy the requirements of their customers. The pace at which consumers want finished goods is referred to as the takt time in the context of defining the workflow of a firm. It is a method of business strategy that syncs the production rates with the rate at which products are sold to end-users. It is the maximum length of time in which a product or service has to be finished in order for a company to be able to satisfy the demand of its customers in a timely manner.

What is Cycle Time?

Cycle time is the real time spent making a product or delivering a service, beginning
with the production of the product and ending when the final product is getting ready to
be shipped. Cycle time can be expressed as a percentage of total production time.

Shortening the whole business cycle, beginning with the identification of a customer's demand and ending with the acceptance of payment for a product that has been sent or a service that has been provided, is the core idea behind the concept of cycle time. It is sometimes referred to as the "throughput time," and it is the typical amount of time it takes for a process to go from beginning to end.

The amount of time that is actually spent putting together a product is referred to as its
cycle time. The amount of time it takes to complete a cycle does not necessarily take
into account the requirements of the consumer.

Differences between Takt Time and Cycle Time

The following table highlights the major differences between Takt Time and Cycle Time −

CharacteristicsTakt TimeCycle Time
The orders or demands of customers are inextricably tied to the takt time, which can only be determined if there are orders from customers, to begin with. Therefore, the rate at which buyers want finished items are known as the takt time.
It is a method of business strategy that synchronizes the rate of production with the rate at which products are sold to end-users. The phrase "stay in time" may be translated from German using the word "takt."
Cycle time refers to the amount of time actually spent putting together a product. It refers to the amount of time that is really spent on manufacturing a product or performing a service, beginning with the beginning and ending with the end.
The computed figure known as takt time is used to describe the hypothetical demand rate of a certain consumer. To put it another way, it is the pace at which a product needs to be produced in order to keep up with the demand from customers.
Take, for instance, the request of a client who wants 100 biscuit packets manufactured during an 8-hour shift.
Takt time = the available production time per shift/customer demand per shift
Cycle time is the typical amount of time that is spent working on a product from beginning to end. Therefore, counting the number of days required to produce a finished good is the method that provides the most accurate estimate of the cycle time.
Take, for instance, a manufacturing plant that operates for 50 hours per week and produces 100 pieces of goods. One unit is processed via the system every half an hour, which equates to one unit being processed every 24 minutes on average.
Calculating takt time helps businesses understand the demand from their customers. The usage of takt time is intended to provide more accurate synchronization between the rate of production and the rate of sales.
It is utilized commonly inside lean manufacturing lines to ensure improved efficacy within the flow, as well as to decrease the amount of lost time and resources.
The cycle time of a certain process is an essential time parameter that indicates how frequently a part is finished by that process.
This is a significant measure that reflects the capacity of a company to turn its assets into earnings.


To summarize, takt time and cycle time are definitely connected to one another, but they are not the same thing. If the demand of the client is to be satisfied, then the takt time is the amount of time that must pass between the completion of each finished product. This metric, known as "seconds per minute," represents the rate at which customers place new orders.

Understanding consumer demand and requests, as well as ensuring improved efficiency within the flow, and reducing the amount of time and resources that are lost, requires the use of takt time. On the other hand, cycle time refers to the typical amount of time spent working on a product, beginning with its inception and ending with its conclusion. It provides information on the frequency with which a certain process completes a component. To be more specific, takt time is the time that must elapse between the completion of each final product in order to meet the deadline set by the consumers.

Updated on: 13-Jul-2022


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