Difference between Table and Figure

Tables and figures are both visual aids that are used to make data and information more accessible and understandable. The primary distinction between tables and figures is how information is displayed.

  • A table is used to display data in a numerical or categorical. It is a structured collection of data that is organized in rows and columns. It is used to compare the two or more sets of data.

  • A figure is a graphical representation of data such as map, graph, image, or illustration. They're especially useful for communicating complex information or data that's delicate to describe verbally.

Read this article to find out more about Table and Figure and how they are different from each other.

What is a Table?

In a relational model, each column has a name and type that are associated with it. They are similar to worksheets in an Excel spreadsheet. Tables are used to organise the data into rows and columns. Tables can be used to present the data in a simple or complex way. The complex table contains different levels such as headings, subheadings, and footnotes.

Tables are constantly used to compare different sets of data and to perform precise measurements and calculations. They can also be used to highlight trends or patterns in data, which is especially useful when analysing multiple variables or attributes. Tables are especially useful for presenting numerical data, like numerical values, probabilities, or statistical analyses.

When designing a table, keep the layout, format, and style in mind. Tables should be simple to read and understand, with distinct column and row headlines and tags. To provide additional information the notes or captions are used. It is used to highlight specific values or data points.

What is a Figure?

A "figure" is generally used to describe a visual representation of data or information, similar to a graph, map, diagram, or image. A person can easily know the information in the figure without reading it. In some figures, words are written that can help you understand the meaning much better. Depending on the type of data presented, it can be presented in a variety of ways.

Figures are constantly used to help communicate complex ideas or data in a more accessible and digestible format. They appear in a variety of contexts, similar to scientific study papers, handbooks, and newspapers.

When interpreting a figure, it is critical to first comprehend the key elements, which include the title, labels, axis scales, and legend (if applicable). These elements provide critical context for comprehending the information presented.

Difference between Table and Figure

The following table highlights the major differences between Table and Figure −





Data will be displayed in tabular, and structured format

Data will be displayed in a visual form such as maps, images and drawings


Used to present data in a categorical or numerical way

Used to display data in patterns, relationships


There is no abbreviation for the table

Fig is the abbreviation for the Figure


It appears frequently, almost in every subject.

They are mostly found in math, science, and economic subjects.


Rows and Columns

Chart, image, diagram


Compares different sets of data

Used for engaging the readers


In conclusion, the tables are used to present the data or information in a tabular format, and structured format. Figure are used to present the data or information in a graph, chart, and image format.

Updated on: 06-Mar-2023

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