Difference between Stubs and Drivers

In software development, stubs and drivers are commonly used techniques to facilitate testing and the development process. They serve different purposes and play distinct roles in software testing and integration. Let's explore the difference between stubs and drivers.

What are Stubs?

Stubs are dummy implementations of modules or functions that are called by the component being tested. They simulate the behavior of the dependent modules that are not yet developed or available for testing. Stubs are typically used when testing higher−level components that depend on lower−level components.

The main purpose of stubs is to provide a simplified or mock version of the missing or unavailable modules. Stubs are designed to return predetermined values, thereby allowing the testing of the higher−level component in isolation. By using stubs, the developer or tester can focus on testing the logic and functionality of the component without being dependent on the actual implementation of the dependent modules.

Here are some of the key features of stubs:

  • Definition: Stubs are placeholder implementations or simulated modules that are used in place of actual modules or components that a module being tested depends on.

  • Purpose: Stubs are used when a module being tested relies on the functionality of another module, which may not be available or fully implemented at the time of testing.

  • Functionality: Stubs provide basic functionality or predetermined responses that allow the module being tested to proceed with its execution.

  • Dependency: Stubs represent the dependent modules that the module being tested relies on.

  • Testing Focus: Stubs are primarily used in top−down testing approaches, where higher−level modules are tested before lower−level modules.

  • Example: In a client−server architecture, if the client module is being tested, a stub can be used to simulate the server's functionality and respond to the client's requests.

What are Drivers?

Drivers are also dummy implementations, but they are used to simulate the behavior of higher−level modules or components that invoke the component being tested. Drivers are employed when testing lower−level components that are dependent on higher−level components.

The primary purpose of drivers is to create a controlled environment for testing lower−level components by providing the necessary input parameters or data that the component expects from the higher−level modules. Drivers facilitate the execution of the component being tested by mimicking the behavior of the missing or unavailable higher−level modules. This allows developers or testers to assess the functionality and performance of the lower−level component without the need for the actual higher−level modules.

Here are some of the key features of drivers:

  • Definition: Drivers are software components that enable the testing of a module in isolation by simulating the behavior and functionality of the higher−level modules that interact with it.

  • Purpose: Drivers are used when a module being tested requires input or interaction from other modules that are not yet developed or available.

  • Functionality: Drivers provide the necessary input or interaction to the module being tested to simulate the behavior of the higher−level modules.

  • Dependency: Drivers represent the calling modules that interact with the module being tested.

  • Testing Focus: Drivers are commonly used in bottom−up testing approaches, where lower−level modules are tested before higher−level modules.

  • Example: In a software system with a layered architecture, if the core processing module is being tested, a driver can be used to simulate the behavior of the user interface module and provide input to the core processing module.

Difference between Stubs and Drivers

Here's a table highlighting the differences between stubs and drivers in software testing:





Small pieces of code or software modules that simulate the behavior of dependent components or modules not yet developed

Programs or software modules used to invoke or control the behavior of the module being tested.


Used to replace a module or component that is not yet implemented or available for testing.

Used to provide input or stimulate the module being tested.


Stubs have dependencies on the module being tested.

Drivers have dependencies on the module being tested.


Limited functionality and minimal implementation

Full or partial implementation of the module being tested.


Stubs simulate the behavior of missing components or modules

Drivers interact with the module being tested.


Used in a bottom−up approach, where lower−level modules are tested first.

Used in a top−down approach, where higher−level modules are tested first.


Developed by the same team or different teams simultaneously working on different components.

Developed by the same team or different teams working on different components.


In a client−server application, a stub may simulate the server's behavior while testing the client.

In a client−server application, a driver may simulate the client's behavior while testing the server.


In summary, stubs and drivers serve different roles in the testing and development process. Stubs act as placeholders for dependent modules that are not fully implemented, allowing the module being tested to proceed. On the other hand, drivers simulate the behavior of higher−level modules to provide input or interaction for the module being tested. Both stubs and drivers are essential in facilitating the testing and integration of software components, depending on the testing approach and dependencies between modules.

Updated on: 12-Jul-2023

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