Difference between Static Routing and Dynamic Routing

Static Routing or Non-Adaptive Routing follows user-defined routing. Here, the routing table is not changed until the network administrator changes it. Static Routing uses simple routing algorithms and provides more security than dynamic routing.

Dynamic Routing or Adaptive Routing, as the name suggests, changes the routing table if there is any change in the network topology. During network change, dynamic routing sends a signal to router, recalculates the routes and sends the updated routing information.

Read through this article to find out how Static Routing differs from Dynamic Routing.

What is Static Routing?

One of the essential techniques in data communication is routing. It ensures that data goes from one network to another at the fastest possible speed with the least amount of delay and that its integrity is preserved throughout the process.

The technique of static routing is a sort of network routing. The process of manually setting and selecting a network route, which the network administrator generally maintains, is known as static routing. It's used in cases when network settings and the surrounding environment are assumed to remain constant

Only a few cases call for static routing. Because there is no adjustment when the principal route is unavailable, network degradation, delay, and congestion are unavoidable outcomes of static routing's non-flexible nature.

What is Dynamic Routing?

Dynamic routing is a networking technology that ensures that data is routed in the most efficient way possible. As opposed to static routing, dynamic routing allows routers to choose paths based on changes in the logical network layout in real-time. The development, maintenance, and updating of the dynamic routing table are responsible for routing protocol running on the router in dynamic routing. All of these tasks are performed manually by the system administrator in static routing.

Multiple techniques and protocols are used in dynamic routing. Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) are the most common ones.

The cost of routing is an essential consideration for all businesses. Dynamic routing, which automates table updates and provides the optimum paths for data transfer, is the most cost-effective routing technique.

Dynamic routing is simple to set up on extensive networks and is more intuitive when choosing the best route, detecting route modifications, and discovering faraway networks. However, routers exchange updates require more bandwidth than static routing; routing protocols may also strain the routers' CPUs and RAM. Last but not least, dynamic routing is insecure compared to static routing.

Difference between Static Routing and Dynamic Routing

The following table highlights the major differences between Static Routing and Dynamic Routing.

Key Static Routing Dynamic Routing
Routing pattern In static routing, user-defined routes are used in the routing table. In dynamic routing, routes are updated as per the changes in network.
Routing Algorithm No complex algorithm used to figure out the shortest path. Dynamic routing employs complex algorithms to find the shortest routes.
Security Static routing provides higher security. Dynamic routing is less secure.
Automation Static routing is a manual process. Dynamic routing is an automatic process.
Applicability Static routing is used in smaller networks. Dynamic routing is implemented in large networks.
Protocols Static routing may not follow any specific protocol. Dynamic routing follows protocols like BGP, RIP and EIGRP.
Additional Resources Static routing does not require any additional resources. Dynamic routing requires additional resources like memory, bandwidth etc.


Static routing is more suitable for small networks where a network administrator manages the routing tables. Static routing uses simple routing algorithms and provides better security than dynamic routing. Dynamic routing is used in extensive networks, as it allows routers to choose the best path based on the changes in the logical network layout in real-time.

Updated on: 11-Aug-2022

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