Difference Between Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate


Sodium carbonate, washing soda because of its characteristic properties has been extracted several years ago from the ashes of plants that are growing in solar that are well enriched with the metal sodium. Later, French chemist Nicholas Leblanc introduced a process for making sodium carbonate in bulk. Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is used very widely even several years ago. The pharmacist first discovered it Valentin Rose the Younger in the year 1801. Later bulk amount preparation of sodium bicarbonate has been developed. Both sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate are very important chemical compounds in industrial and commercial uses. Even though they sound similar, the properties of these two chemicals are entirely different.

Introduction to Sodium Carbonate

Sodium carbonate is a salt of the metal sodium with the chemical formula Na2 CO3. It also has some other names such as soda ash, soda crystals, and washing soda. It is an inorganic compound with a white powder-like appearance having no odour but possessing an alkaline taste. And they are water-soluble salt too. The name soda ash is given to the salt because of its extraction from plants that are grown in soils that are rich in sodium metal. This compound is a find out because of the different look of the ashes of the plants, unlike other plant ashes.

What is Sodium Carbonate?

Sodium carbonate is an ionic compound made up of the metal Sodium and carbonate ions. It is a white crystalline solid that is hygroscopic. This means that they can even absorb water from the air. The chemical formula of this salt is Na_2 CO_3. But this formula is converted to a decahydrate if it is exposed to air, Na_2 CO_(3.10H_2 O). The anhydrous form of this salt is known as washing soda and has more commercial and industrial applications. The elements present in this inorganic salt are Sodium, carbon, and oxygen. It is produced industrially in a bulk amount by the Solvay process.

Sodium Carbonate can be obtained in three hydrates and an anhydrous salt

For sodium carbonate, there is one anhydrous salt and three hydrated forms. They are,

  • Na2 CO3 − It is the anhydrous form that also has the name natrite. This is the compound that is industrially synthesized more.

  • Na2 CO3.H2 O − It is a hydrated form that contains one water molecule with the name thermonatrite.

  • Na2 CO3.7H2 O − It is a hydrated form that contains 7 water molecules with the name sodium carbonate heptahydrate.

  • Na2 CO3.10H2O − It is the hydrated form that contains 10 water molecules with the name natron.

Applications and Uses of Sodium Carbonate

  • It can be used in the manufacturing of glass material.

  • It can be used to produce soaps and detergents.

  • For dyeing clothes, it is used as a mordant.

  • It has applications in the paper industry.

  • It is used as a catalyst for the conversion of coal into fuel.

  • It is used as a bleach for cotton material.

  • It is useful for skin cleaning and rash treatment, so it is used in several cosmetic products.

  • It is useful for removing the hardness of the water.

Production of Sodium Carbonate

The synthesis or the production of sodium carbonate started in ancient times. The first-ever production of sodium carbonate is from the plant ashes. In Egypt, sodium carbonate is also extracted from a mineral, natron, and has been used for the process of mummification. But these processes will not produce sodium carbonate in a bulk amount. So many new techniques have been enabled for its production. The first-ever method that produced sodium carbonate in a bulk amount is the Leblanc method. This process is done with the help of Sulphuric acid, Hydrogen Chloride, and Sodium chloride. But this process is also not that much effective because it needs a high amount of energy. The alternate and the most effective method is the Solvay process. This method in the production of sodium bicarbonate and ammonium bicarbonate by the reaction of sodium chloride and carbon dioxide. Then further heating of sodium bicarbonate produces sodium carbonate.

What is Sodium Bicarbonate?

Sodium bicarbonate is also the salt of the metal sodium with the chemical formulaNaHCO3. Unlike sodium carbonate, this salt of sodium contains the bicarbonate ion, HCO3-. It is a white crystalline solid having a salty taste. It is also called baking soda, sodium hydrogen carbonate, and bicarbonate of soda. It is a chemical compound that is rich in carbon dioxide, so it is used in several baking processes. It is a basic salt, so it has an application in the treatment of antacids. It is used in the leavening of several baking products. The release of carbon dioxide from sodium bicarbonate occurs by the action of water.

Comparison between Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate

Sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate are salts of sodium. Sodium carbonate contains the elements Sodium, Oxygen, and Carbon only. But sodium bicarbonate contains the element hydrogen too. The chemical formula of sodium carbonate is Na2 CO3, and sodium bicarbonate is NaHCO_3. The chemical properties of these two chemical compounds are almost similar in that they release the sodium metal ion when dissolved in water. Both are chemically harmless and have a basic nature. The appearance of these two are also alike that is they appear as a white powder. Sodium carbonate is majorly used in industrial applications while sodium bicarbonate has applications in the food sector and medicine field.

Difference between Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate

The difference between the two chemical compounds sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate are tabulated below.

Sodium carbonate Sodium bicarbonate
The chemical formula is Na2 CO3. The chemical formula is NaHCO3
It contains Carbon, Oxygen, and Sodium elements. It contains Carbon, Sodium, Oxygen, and Hydrogen elements.
It is majorly used for laundry purposes. It is majorly used in the baking process.
The melting point is 851°C. It has no melting point since it converted to sodium carbonate upon heating.
It is called washing soda. It is called baking soda.
105.9888 $\mathrm{\frac{g}{mol}}$ is the molecular mass. 84.007 $\mathrm{\frac{g}{mol}}$ is its molecular mass.


Sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate are two Salt made up of the basic element sodium. As they are ionic compounds that easily dissolve in water and produce sodium ions. The chemical formulas of these two compounds are different. But they are chemically similar compounds. Sodium carbonate is used in industrial applications such as soap manufacturing and detergent synthesis. While sodium bicarbonate is used commonly in the food industry as a leavening agent in the form of a baking soda. And used to treat acidity in humans because of its basic character. Sodium carbonate is synthesised by the Solvay process in which sodium bicarbonate is obtained first which is then converted into sodium carbonate by the simple heating process.


1. Is sodium carbonate toxic?

It is not a toxic chemical but swallowing a large amount may cause several health problems mainly in the stomach.

2. What is the chemical formula of a washing soda?

Washing soda is the hydrated form of sodium carbonate with the chemical formula Na2 CO3.10H2 O. It contains 10 water molecules, so it is also called decahydrate.

3. Give the reaction that involves the formation of carbon dioxide from Sodium bicarbonate?

Heating of sodium bicarbonate inverse the production of carbon dioxide. The reaction is,

$$\mathrm{2NaHCO_3+Heat\rightarrow Na_2 CO_3+H_2 O+CO_2 }$$

4. What are the side effects of too much baking soda?

Baking soda is used in several baking ingredients that we consume daily. It is effective in the prevention of acidity. But it is poisonous when taken in a bulk amount. It may result in several stomach illnesses such as vomiting and diarrhoea.

5. What is the pH of sodium carbonate?

It is a basic compound, so its pH is greater than 7. The approximate pH value of sodium carbonate is 11.

Updated on: 12-Feb-2024


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