Difference Between SMS and MMS

SMS and MMS are both messaging systems used to send messages between mobile devices, although they differ in functionality and media types supported. SMS is a text messaging service that allows users to send and receive short text messages of up to 160 characters. MMS is a messaging service that allows you to send multimedia content in addition to text.

Read this article to find out more about SMS and MMS and how they are different from each other.

What is SMS?

SMS (Short Message Service) is a popular messaging service that allows users to send and receive short text messages between mobile devices.

  • Text-based Communication − SMS is essentially a text-based communication system. It allows users to send short text messages that contain alphabetic characters, numbers, and symbols. Although certain mobile networks provide concatenation, which allows longer messages to be split and reassembled on the recipient's device, messages are limited to a maximum of 160 characters per message.

  • Universal Compatibility − SMS's worldwide adaptability is one of its key advantages. Almost all mobile devices, including smartphones, feature phones, and basic phones, support it. In addition, SMS operates across many cellular networks, allowing users to connect with one another regardless of service provider or network.

  • Reliability − SMS is well known for its dependability. SMS messages are often delivered quickly and with a high success rate. Unlike some other texting systems, SMS messages are delivered over the cellular network, making them more reliable even in locations with poor or restricted internet connectivity.

  • Communication − SMS allows for asynchronous communication, which means that the sender and recipient do not have to be online at the same time to exchange messages. Users can send SMS messages even if the recipient's device is turned off or out of network coverage. The message will be saved on the recipient's device and delivered whenever they are back online.

What is MMS?

MMS is a messaging service that allows you to send multimedia content in addition to text. Unlike SMS, MMS allows users to send and receive messages that include photos, videos, audio files, and other types of media.

  • Multimedia Content − MMS allows the inclusion of numerous multimedia elements within the message, which is one of the key differences between MMS and SMS. Images, movies, audio files, contact cards, location data, and other data are all included. MMS allows users to send and receive rich media content, which improves the messaging experience and allows for more expressive and engaging communication.

  • Message Composition − MMS messages contain both text and multimedia content. Within a single communication, users can combine text with one or more media files. The message's text portion can be used to offer context or captions for the multimedia content. The media files can be captured with the device's camera or chosen from the gallery. MMS messages can also include attachments like vCards to share contact information.

  • Message Size and Delivery − MMS messages are typically much larger in size than SMS messages. The actual size limit of an MMS message varies depending on the network and device; however, it is often larger than the SMS message size limit. To transmit multimedia content, MMS messages require a data connection. When an MMS message is sent, the media files are uploaded to a server, and the content is downloaded by the recipient's device when the message is received.

  • Network Compatibility − Most modern mobile devices and cellular networks allow MMS. However, depending on the device and network, the level of compatibility may vary. While smartphones and modern feature phones usually have MMS capabilities built in, certain older or basic devices may have limited compatibility or require specific configurations to send or receive MMS messages. Before sending or receiving MMS messages, be sure that the device and network allow MMS capability.

Difference between SMS and MMS

The following table highlights the major differences between SMS and MMS −




Data Connection

Not required

Requires a data connection for media transmission.

Message Content

Plain text

Multimedia content (images, videos, audio, etc.)

Message Size

Limited to 160 characters per message.

Larger sizes can include media files.


Generally cheaper or included in plans

May incur additional charges for data usage.


Simple text-based communication

Richer messaging experience with multimedia content

Usage Scenarios

Quick text messaging and notifications

Sharing photos and videos, marketing campaigns, and multimedia-rich content

Communication Limitations

No media content is allowed.

Enhanced communication with media attachments

Device Compatibility

Supported by virtually all mobile devices

Compatibility may vary and may not be supported on older devices.


SMS is a character-limited text-only messaging service, but MMS improves message capabilities by allowing the inclusion of multimedia content such as photos, videos, and music files. SMS is more globally compatible and cost-effective, but MMS provides a better messaging experience but may have device and network compatibility limits.

Updated on: 02-Aug-2023


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