Difference between Shared Web Hosting and VPS Web Hosting

When it comes to hosting a website, two common options are Shared Web Hosting and VPS (Virtual Private Server) Web Hosting. Each type of hosting has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, and understanding the differences is important for making an informed decision depending on the needs and budget of your website.

Read this article to find out more about Shared Web Hosting and VPS (Virtual Private Server) Web Hosting and how they are different from each other.

What is Shared Web Hosting?

Shared Web Hosting is a type of hosting service in which several websites share resources on a single physical server. Several websites are hosted together in this configuration, each with its own domain name, web content, and email accounts. The server's resources, such as CPU, RAM, disc space, and bandwidth, are proportionally shared across all hosted websites.

Let us now discuss some key features of Shared Web Hosting.

Server Environment

Hosting companies manage and maintain powerful web servers to host several websites in a shared hosting environment. These servers run specialized software like web servers (such as Apache or Nginx), database servers (such as MySQL or PostgreSQL), and other components required to host web content.


Shared hosting is one of the most cost-effective hosting options available. The server's cost is split among many users, making it inexpensive for small enterprises, individuals, or anybody wishing to create a website without a major upfront expenditure.

Resource Sharing

When a user signs up for shared hosting, they are given access to a portion of the server's resources in order to run their website. Other websites hosted on the same server share these resources. Each website is allocated a certain amount of CPU processing power, RAM, and disc space.

Control and Management

Shared hosting is user-friendly, making it perfect for beginners or people without advanced technical experience. Hosting companies often include a user-friendly control panel (e.g., cPanel or Plesk) that makes website management tasks easier.

The control panel allows users to handle different parts of their websites, such as setting up email accounts, managing databases, uploading files, installing applications, and monitoring website statistics.

Advantages of Shared Web Hosting

Here are the main benefits of shared web hosting −

  • Quick Setup − Shared hosting plans are usually pre-configured and ready to use, allowing users to get their websites up and running quickly. This is advantageous for people who require an easy solution without dealing with complex server configurations.

  • No Technical Maintenance − Server maintenance, hardware upgrades, security updates, and software installations are handled by the hosting provider. This allows users to concentrate on managing their websites and content rather than server-related technical tasks.

  • Customer Support − Customer support is provided by reputable shared hosting companies to assist users with any hosting-related difficulties or inquiries they may have. This assistance is typically available via email, live chat, or phone, providing users with dependable assistance whenever they require it.

Disadvantages of Shared Web Hosting

Here are the main drawbacks of shared web hosting −

  • Limited Resources − Shared hosting involves sharing server resources with several other websites. As a result, available resources such as CPU, RAM, and bandwidth are distributed among all hosted sites. If other websites on the same server consume a considerable amount of resources during periods of heavy traffic or resource-intensive tasks, the performance of your website may suffer.

  • Security Risks − Security risks are associated with shared hosting. While hosting providers implement security procedures to segregate accounts and guard against common threats, the shared nature of the server means that if one website is compromised or infected with malware, it is possible that other websites on the same server would be affected.

  • Software Restrictions − The software you can install or use on shared hosting may be restricted. Due to server-wide compatibility difficulties or security concerns, some applications or software modules may not be supported. This may limit your ability to use specific website tools or frameworks.

What is VPS Web Hosting?

VPS (Virtual Private Server) web hosting is a type of hosting that offers users a virtualized server environment, giving them more flexibility, customization, and performance than shared hosting. Using virtualization technology, a single physical server is partitioned into numerous virtual servers in VPS hosting.

Each virtual server runs independently, with its own dedicated resources such as CPU, RAM, disc space, and operating system, providing the user with a private and isolated hosting environment.

Key Features of VPS Web Hosting

  • Control and Customization − Users with VPS hosting have root or administrator access to their virtual server, giving them complete control over the server environment. Users with this level of access can install and configure custom applications, change server settings, and manage security issues based on their individual requirements.

  • Customizable Software and Applications − VPS hosting enables customers to install and run unique software and applications that would otherwise be impossible to do in a shared hosting environment owing to software limitations. This level of customization is beneficial for websites that have special technical requirements or run complex apps.

  • Full Control over Server Settings − Users can change server settings like PHP versions, database options, and web server setups. Users can utilize this option to optimize the server environment for the demands of their website, resulting in enhanced performance and efficiency.

Advantages of VPS Web Hosting

The following are the primary benefits of VPS web hosting −

  • Dedicated Resources − VPS hosting offers exclusive resources such as CPU cores, RAM, and disc space that are not shared with other users. This ensures that the resources allocated to your website are only available to it, resulting in improved performance and responsiveness.

  • Improved Performance − When compared to shared hosting, VPS hosting provides greater performance due to dedicated resources. Websites hosted on VPS observe less fluctuation in performance due to the activity of other users, making them suitable for high-traffic websites or resource-intensive apps.

  • Isolation and Security − Each VPS runs in its own environment, separate from other virtual servers on the same physical hardware. This isolation adds another level of protection because problems or breaches on one VPS do not affect others. VPS hosting provides more safety than shared hosting.

Disadvantages of VPS Web Hosting

The following are the main downsides of VPS web hosting −

  • Cost − VPS hosting costs more than shared hosting. While it offers dedicated resources and improved performance, the extra cost may be expensive for users on a limited budget or for small websites with minimal traffic.

  • Technical Knowledge − When compared to shared hosting, managing a VPS necessitates more technical knowledge and skills. Server administration, software installations, security setups, and troubleshooting are all required skills. Managed VPS hosting may be a better solution for users who lack technical expertise, but it comes at an additional expense.

  • Resource Limits − While VPS hosting provides dedicated resources, there are still limitations based on the capabilities of the physical server. If your website outgrows the VPS plan's resources, you may need to switch to a higher tier or look into alternative hosting choices, such as dedicated hosting.

Difference between Shared Web Hosting and VPS Web Hosting

The following table highlights the major differences between Shared Web Hosting and VPS Web Hosting −


Shared Web Hosting

VPS Web Hosting

Server Management

Managed by hosting provider

Managed or unmanaged options available

Traffic Handling

Suitable for small to medium traffic

Handles higher traffic demands effectively

Technical Expertise

User-friendly, suitable for beginners

Requires technical knowledge for management

Software and Application Support

Limited software support, some restrictions

Supports a wide range of software and applications


Cost-effective and affordable

More expensive than shared hosting

IP Address

Shared IP address

Dedicated IP address for each virtual server

Isolation and Security

Shared server environment

Isolated environment, better security


In conclusion, if you have a small to medium-sized website with modest traffic and are on a limited budget, shared web hosting may be a good option. However, if your website requires improved performance, scalability, control, and security, VPS web hosting is a superior choice.

Before choosing the hosting option that best suits your needs, consider your website's needs and potential for growth.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2023


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