Difference Between RTM and Final Windows 7

Every new piece of software goes through a unique cycle with distinct stages that indicate the software's development. The Windows 7 operating system has two versions: RTM and final. The RTM and final versions of Windows 7 are nearly similar, with no new features in the final version that are not included in the RTM version.

Today, there are several versions of Windows 7 accessible. RTM, or Release To Manufacturing, is the first version of Windows 7 that was made available to the public. This initial Windows 7 version was used for development and testing. Final, also known as Retail, is the most current version of Windows 7 that has been made available to the general public.

The primary distinction between these two versions is that RTM does not include all of the updates and fixes published after its first release. Final should be installed instead to ensure you have the most recent updates and fixes.

The RTM version always comes before the final version in a software's life cycle. This is due to the time it takes to complete and package the program before it can be placed on shop shelves. RTM can be interpreted in several ways, including Ready to Manufacturing, Marketing, and Market. All of these expressions indicate the same thing.

RTM versions are often provided to computer manufacturers so that they may install them in their products and production so that installation discs can be manufactured and packed with the requisite licensing keys. Computer manufacturers require extra time to ensure that their devices perform properly with Windows 7 and to iron out any bugs.

Necessary changes may be discovered now and then over the short period between the RTM and final releases. Regardless, the updates may still be downloaded via automatic updates, and the RTM and last version installs will still end up identical after patching the software upgrades. After you've completed the installation, connect your computer to the Internet and let Windows 7 check for updates.

Read this article to find out more about RTM and Final Windows 7 and how they are different from each other.

What is RTM Windows 7?

RTM Windows 7 is the code name for Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system's release to manufacturing. RTM typically means that a software product is ready for commercial release and that no additional changes or updates to the code will be made. On July 22, 2009, Windows 7 RTM was launched.

RTM versions of Windows are normally exclusively available to developers and IT professionals; however, end-users with a valid product key can also download RTM versions of Windows. RTM versions of Windows are more reliable than subsequent releases because they have been subjected to extensive testing before being made available to the public.

As a result, RTM versions of Windows are frequently utilized as the foundation for corporate Windows deployments. RTM denotes "release to manufacturing." RTM versions are often distributed to manufacturers before they are distributed to the general public for the manufacturers to work out any faults that the software may meet with hardware devices.

The publication of an RTM version does not necessarily imply that the authors have resolved all issues with the software; more versions of the product may be issued before it is released to the general public.

What is Final Windows 7?

Microsoft Windows 7 is the last edition of the Microsoft Windows operating system series. It went into manufacture on July 22, 2009, and became broadly accessible on October 22, 2009, less than three years after its predecessor, Windows Vista, was introduced. Final Server 2008 R2, the server equivalent to Final Windows 7, was also published simultaneously.

The final version of Windows 7 is an incremental update to Windows Vista, with few new features and a focus on polishing the current core. Due to the poor response of Vista, several features were deleted from the final version of Windows 7.

When Windows 7 was released, it garnered excellent reviews, while some commentators noted that it was not as inventive as its predecessor. Microsoft reported that Final Windows 7 sold 150 million copies in its first six months of availability.

Final Windows 7 has a market share of 38.41% as of March 2019, making it the most popular version of Final Windows ever. Despite its success, Final Windows 7 was met with widespread criticism, with many users and critics expressing dissatisfaction with the operating system. In January 2020, Microsoft stated that support for Final Windows 7 would cease on January 14, 2020, and encouraged customers to switch to Final Windows 10.

Differences between RTM Windows 7 and Final Windows 7

The following table highlights the major differences between RTM and Final Windows 7 −


RTM Windows 7

Final Windows 7


The last step of the Windows 7 development process is RTM (Release to Manufacturing).

The final Windows 7 is RTM, plus six months of updates and security patches.


RTM versions of Windows are frequently utilized as the foundation for business installations

When Final Windows 7 was released, it garnered excellent reviews, while some commentators noted that it was not as inventive as its predecessor.


The RTM version of Windows 7 is identical to the Final version.

The final windows 7 has similar features compared to RTM windows 7.


In the RTM version of windows 7, there may be slight aesthetic and documentation variations.

Differences and variations occur in documentation in the final windows 7


The RTM version of Windows 7 is released before the final version.

The final version of Windows 7 is released after the RTM version.


Over the last few years, Microsoft has delivered Windows 7 in parts. The software is distributed to manufacturers in the first stage, known as release to manufacturing (RTM). There are significant variations between Windows 7 RTM and the final versions. Although the RTM and final versions are nearly similar, there may be slight modifications in the appearance and documentation.

They do not affect the operating system's performance or functionality. The RTM version of Windows 7 is identical to the final release. The RTM version of Windows 7 is released before the final version. There may be slight aesthetic and documentation variations.

Updated on: 13-Feb-2023


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