Difference between Preventive and Predictive Maintenance

Preventive and predictive maintenance are carried out so that the life of the assets can be increased and the chances of their failure can be reduced. The main difference between preventive and predictive maintenance is that preventive maintenance has a regular schedule while predictive maintenance is carried out on the basis of the condition of assets.

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is a process in which an annual physical check-up of the assets is done. The maintenance task is conducted to know whether everything is running correctly or not. This maintenance helps in the prevention of breakdowns in the future.

Preventive maintenance helps in reducing the chances of failure of machines and pieces of equipment. This also helps in increasing their lives. Prevention of failures will also increase productivity which will lead to more profits. Professionals have to decide about the machines that will need regular preventive maintenance. This will help to reduce maintenance costs.

Types of Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is of three types and we will discuss them here.

  • Usage-Based Preventive Maintenance − This is a type of preventive maintenance in which the maintenance is scheduled and the inspections are conducted on the basis of the usage of an asset.
  • Calendar or Time-Based Preventive Maintenance − It is a type of preventive maintenance in which a particular time interval is set for the maintenance of each asset.
  • Condition-Based Preventive Maintenance − This is a type of preventive maintenance in which schedules are created on the basis of factors like wear, tear, and degradation of an asset.

Machine downtime is planned for each type of preventive maintenance.

Features of Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance has many features and some of them are listed below −

  • Preventive maintenance has to be planned at regular intervals
  • Machine downtime is required to perform the maintenance task
  • A checklist regarding the maintenance is required which includes
    • Cleaning
    • Repairing
    • Replacing
    • Calibrating
    • Inspecting
  • The maintenance can be done if issues may or may not have been identified

Implementation of Preventive Maintenance

Here is the process and steps of implementing preventive maintenance −

  • The first step is to list down the assets for which preventive maintenance has to be conducted.
  • The next step is to collect information related to the performance of different assets in the list.
  • Schedule maintenance tasks for each piece of equipment.
  • Assign tasks to the technicians.
  • Keep an eye on the progress of the maintenance program and make improvements if needed.

Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance is based on preset conditions. There are situations when the working of an asset is disturbed. In such a case, technicians have to set up a time for the repair of that machine.

Features of Predictive Maintenance

The features of predictive maintenance are as follows −

  • Predictive maintenance is proactive
  • Predictive maintenance can be performed while keeping the machines running
  • Problems that may occur in the future are identified and repaired to prevent failures

Implementation of Preventive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance helps the technicians to save cost but this process is complicated. In order to conduct predictive maintenance, the CMMS software should be set up which will help in producing an alert if needed. A work order will be generated if it is found that an asset is operating outside the pre-defined condition. Another way to start the predictive maintenance is to use algorithms which will help in recording multiple data readings which will produce notifications if an asset is not performing well. These alerts will help the technicians know when action has to be taken.

Difference between Preventive and Predictive Maintenance

There are many differences between preventive and predictive maintenance and they can be found in the table given below −

Preventive Maintenance Predictive Maintenance
The schedule of preventive maintenance is planned according to calendar time. Predictive maintenance can be conducted at any time depending on the condition of the asset.
Unexpected failures are prevented by performing preventive maintenance. Failures are predicted by performing predictive maintenance and the problems are repaired before a failure occurs.
Preventive maintenance is conducted on a regular basis. Predictive maintenance is performed when a potential problem is identified that can lead to failure.
Preventive maintenance is carried out after stopping the machine and this downtime can be increased if needed. No downtime of an asset is needed for predictive maintenance.
Preventive maintenance is conducted if there are no potential failures or no problem is identified. Predictive maintenance is conducted when potential failures are identified.
The process is simpler than predictive maintenance. The process is comparatively complex.
The cost of preventive maintenance is comparatively more. The cost of predictive maintenance is comparatively less.
It is a time-consuming process It takes less time comparatively.
The schedule of maintenance is fixed. A schedule is made on the condition of an asset.
Components are repaired or replaced to prevent failures of equipment. Maintenance needs are predicted which helps in minimizing the downtime of a machine.
Basic monitoring equipment is required for preventive maintenance. Advanced monitoring equipment is required for predictive maintenance.
Preventive maintenance is good for simple pieces of equipment. Predictive maintenance is good for complex pieces of equipment.


Preventive and Predictive maintenance is conducted so that the failure of pieces of equipment and other assets can be minimized. Preventive maintenance is regularly conducted and equipment has to go for downtime so that repair or replacement can be done. Predictive maintenance does not require the downtime of an asset.

FAQs on Preventive Maintenance Vs. Predictive Maintenance

1. Which maintenance is scheduled regularly?

Preventive maintenance is scheduled regularly to identify the problems that may lead to the failure of a machine.

2. In which type of maintenance downtime is required?

Downtime is required for preventive maintenance.

3. Which type of maintenance can be conducted while a machine is running?

Predictive maintenance can be conducted while the machine is running.

4. What are the challenges of preventive maintenance?

The planned downtime may be increased and inventory management is costly.

5. Which maintenance is more complex?

Predictive maintenance is more complex in comparison to preventive maintenance.

Updated on: 11-Jul-2024


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