Difference Between PHP and JavaScript

JavaScript and PHP are two of the most widely used and flexible computer languages that are used for building websites.

PHP is currently the most widely used scripting language for server-side development, whereas JavaScript is a client-side scripting language. PHP is responsible for handling things on the server side, whereas JavaScript is responsible for handling things on the client side of the browser.

Since PHP is derived from the C programming language, it is quite simple to learn for anyone who already possesses a solid foundation in C. Although both are used on websites in order to enhance their functionality, one of them is clearly superior than the other due to the advantages and disadvantages that are unique to it.

What is PHP?

PHP is a general-purpose programming language that is primarily utilized in the development of websites. In 1994, Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf established the company. The PHP Reference Implementation is now being produced by the same PHP Group. "Hypertext Preprocessor" is what PHP stands for (although "Personal Home Page" was the original meaning of the acronym PHP).

  • PHP code is normally processed by a PHP interpreter, which can be installed on a web server in the form of a module, a daemon, or a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable program.

  • The result of constructing and executing a PHP code, which may be any kind of information (such as created HTML or picture data), will in fact form either the entirety or a piece of a Response message on a web server. This message could be in response to a request that was sent to the web server.

  • It is possible to orchestrate or enable the generation of that response by using any one of a variety of online layout systems, website content management systems, and web frameworks that are already available.

  • In addition, PHP may be utilized for a number of programming tasks outside from web development. These tasks include the commanding of industrial robot drones and stand-alone graphical programs.

PHP is a general-purpose programming language that is especially well suited for server-side website design. It's because PHP is typically executed on a web server. PHP was first designed to be used for server side website design.

The PHP runtime executes any PHP code that is contained within a requested file. This functionality is typically put to use in order to generate dynamic content for use on the web or dynamic images that can be used on websites or in other contexts. It can also be used for client-side applications that have graphical user interfaces and instruction typescript.


   echo "Hello Kitty!!!";


Hello Kitty!!!

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a lightweight programming language that is used most often as a component of webpages. Its webpage implementations enable client side script to interact with the user and create dynamic sites. It is a programming language that is interpreted and can handle object-oriented functionality.

JavaScript was once known as "Live Script", but Netscape later changed its name to JavaScript. This rebranding may have been in response to the growing interest in Java at the time. In 1995, Netscape 2.0 was the platform on which JavaScript was first implemented under the moniker Live Script. Web browsers like Netscape, Internet Explorer, and others now have the basic parts of the language built in. These parts can be used in many different situations.

  • JavaScript is interpreted and therefore very lightweight.

  • It is designed for the purpose of developing apps that focus on networks.

  • Complementary to Java and tightly connected with it.

  • It complements and is fully incorporated with HTML.

  • It is free to use on several operating systems.

JavaScript Development Tools

One of the most significant advantages of JavaScript is that it does not call for the use of pricey development tools. You may get started with something simple like Notepad as your text editor. Because it is a language that is interpreted inside the environment of a web browser, you won't even need to acquire a compiler to use it.

Microsoft FrontPage

Microsoft is responsible for the creation of FrontPage, a widely used HTML editor. Additionally, web developers have access to a variety of JavaScript tools inside FrontPage, which may aid them in the process of creating dynamic websites.

In the world of professional web development, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX is a highly well-known and widely used HTML and JavaScript editor. It complies to modern standards such as XHTML and XML, includes a number of helpful prebuilt JavaScript components, and connects effectively with databases.

Macromedia HomeSite 5

HomeSite 5 is a well-liked HTML and JavaScript editor that was developed by Macromedia. It is a tool that can be used to efficiently manage individual websites.

Characteristics of JavaScript

The following is a list of functionality offered by JavaScript −

  • JavaScript is supported by all popular web browsers because they have a built-in environment for running it.

  • The syntax and structure of the computer language C are adopted wholesale by JavaScript. Therefore, we may classify it as a "structured programming language."

  • JavaScript is a weakly typed programming language, which means that some types are cast automatically (depending on the operation).

  • In JavaScript, inheritance is handled through the use of prototypes instead of classes.

  • It is imperative that you use the proper case while writing in this language.

  • JavaScript works on a wide range of operating systems, such as Windows, macOS, and others.

Utilization of the JavaScript Language

Creating interactive web pages often requires the usage of JavaScript. Its primary applications are −

  • Client-side validation,

  • Dynamic drop-down menus,

  • Including the date and the time,

  • Putting up new windows and dialogue boxes as they appear (like an alert dialogue box, confirm dialogue box, and prompt dialogue box),

  • including things like clocks, etc.


   document.write("This text in to JavaScript");


This text in to JavaScript

Difference between PHP and JavaScript

The following table highlights the major differences between PHP and JavaScript −

Basis of comparison
JavaScript can be used for both the front end and the back end of a website.
Back-end functionality is the primary focus of all PHP applications.
Although JavaScript is synchronous, it includes many capabilities, such as callbacks, promises, and async/await, that make it possible to perform asynchronous event processing.
PHP is synchronous, which means that it waits for IO operations to finish before continuing.
Language compatibility
The markup languages HTML, AJAX, and XML can all be mixed with JavaScript.
HTML is the only supported combination with PHP.
JavaScript can be executed in web browsers, and now, thanks to Node, it can also be executed on the command prompt.
PHP requires a server to run. Cannot function without the presence of a server.
Because JavaScript is an event-driven, single threaded programming language, this means that it never blocks and that everything works in parallel at all times.
Since PHP is multithreaded, it is able to block I/O and carry out several tasks all at once.
JavaScript code is less secure.
The coding that PHP uses is quite secure.
Database Access
Accessing the database via JavaScript necessitates the use of a certain environment.
Access to the database can be accomplished quickly and without difficulty using PHP.
Real-time games and applications, mobile applications, and other types of software can all be developed with JavaScript.
To construct dynamic sites, transmit and receive cookies, collect data from forms, and do a variety of other tasks, a PHP application is required.
Case Support
When it comes to functions, JavaScript is quite case sensitive.
In the case of functions, PHP does not care about capitalization.
Brendan Eich is credited for developing JavaScript in the year 1995.
PHP was initially developed by Rasmus Lerdorf in the year 1994.
File Extension
The file extension used to save JavaScript documents is.js.
An extension is appended to PHP files when they are saved. PHP


Even while systems like Node.js make it possible for JavaScript to be used successfully for both front-end and back-end development, PHP is still the more effective tool for the back-end. In fact, the most effective strategy for developing a dependable dynamic web application would be to mix both PHP and JavaScript into a single program.

There is a popular analogy that can be used to describe the combination of these two scripting languages − if the application that you are developing is a painting, then PHP is a paintbrush, and JavaScript is a paint color.

Both languages are used by a significant number of successful organizations to construct their software; such examples include Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia, and Flickr.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2022

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