Difference Between Paired and Unpaired Test

The two types of statistical tests used in hypothesis testing are paired and unpaired tests. The main difference between them is how data is collected and compared. A paired test compares two sets of measurements that are connected or related in some way. An unpaired test involves comparing two sets of measures that are not related or connected in any way.

Read this article to find out more about Paired Test and Unpaired Test and how they are different from each other.

What is Paired Test?

A paired test is a statistical test that compares two sets of measurements that are related or connected in some way. The fundamental goal of a paired test is to determine whether there is a significant difference between the two sets of measurements.

The paired t-test calculates the difference between two paired measurements for each subject or object, followed by the mean and standard deviation of these differences. The mean difference is then compared to zero using a t-distribution with degrees of freedom equal to the number of pairings minus one.

If the p-value obtained from the test is less than the significance level (typically 0.05), we can conclude that the two sets of measurements differ statistically. In other words, there is proof that the treatment or intervention succeeded.

Paired tests have the advantage of reducing the effects of variability between subjects or objects and increasing the statistical power of the test by reducing the sample size required. Paired tests, on the other hand, are only suitable when the two sets of measurements are actually related or connected and the assumption of normality of the differences is met.

What is Unpaired Test?

An unpaired test is a statistical test that compares two sets of measurements that are not related or connected in any way. The basic objective of an unpaired test is to determine whether there is a significant difference between the two sets of measurements.

The unpaired t-test calculates the difference between the means of two independent sets of data and then estimates the standard error of the difference using each group's sample variances and sample sizes. The test then uses a t-distribution to compare this difference to zero, with the degrees of freedom equal to the sum of the sample sizes minus two.

Unpaired tests have the advantage of being suitable for comparing independent data and can be used to examine a wide range of research questions. However, when there is a lot of variability between subjects or objects, unpaired tests can be less powerful than paired tests and thus require larger sample sizes to achieve the same level of statistical power.

Difference Between Paired Test and Unpaired Test

The following table highlights the major differences between Paired Test and Unpaired Test −

Characteristics Paired Test Unpaired Test
Data Connection Data is related or connected in some way. The data is not related or connected.
Hypothesis Testing tests for differences within paired data tests for differences between independent groups
Assumptions assumes the normality of differences between paired data assumes the normality of the data in each group.
Degrees of Freedom number of pairs minus one sum of sample sizes minus two
Statistical Power more powerful due to reduced variability less powerful due to increased variability
Usage Appropriate for paired data (e.g., before and after measurements) Appropriate for independent data (e.g., two independent groups)
Sample Size smaller sample size larger sample size
Test Type Paired t-tests are the most common type. A two-sample t-test is the most common type.


Paired and unpaired tests are two types of statistical tests used in hypothesis testing. Paired tests are used when the data is related or connected in some way, but unpaired tests are used when the data is not related or connected.

The type of test used depends on the research topic and the sort of data being collected. Using the right test can help researchers draw more accurate and dependable conclusions from their data.

Both paired and unpaired tests are useful tools in statistical analysis, and understanding their distinctions is essential for conducting good hypothesis testing.

Updated on: 10-Aug-2023


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