Difference Between Nuclear Reaction and Chemical Reaction


Nuclear reactions, as well as Chemical reactions, are 2 types of reactions that differ significantly in terms of how the components participate in these processes. Chemistry is primarily concerned with reactions involving the exchange & sharing of electrons. But even so, these reactions normally have little effect on the nuclei of elements. However, in the case of a nuclear reaction, the elements involved suffer changes in the subatomic particles in their nuclei.

The major difference between nuclear versus chemical processes may thus be easily explained as the behavior of the components participating in the reactions; only orbital electrons participate in chemical reactions, whereas nuclei of elements are engaged in nuclear reactions.

What is Chemical Reaction?

It is described or expressed as the reaction that occurs when the atoms, elements, or molecules of reactants are rearranged in something distinct to produce a new product with a distinct arrangement of atoms, molecules, or elements. The quantity of heat released during an ongoing chemical reaction is minimal as well as is stated in units of 𝐽/π‘šπ‘œπ‘™or 𝐾𝐽/π‘šπ‘œπ‘™.During the chemical process,the nucleus is not involved.

Furthermore, these reactions are very sensitive to the extrinsic conditions that cause them to alter, which include pressure, temperature, pH, reaction rate, catalyst activity, and so on. As a result, depending on the circumstances, they could be reversible or irreversible.\


A chemical process that involves the addition of 2 or more molecules to generate a single molecule is known as an addition reaction. It converts unsaturated molecules into saturated ones.


In the influence of sunlight, peroxide undergoes homolytic fission, resulting in the formation of free radicals. Bromine (π΅π‘Ÿ) radicals are formed when the reagent π»π΅π‘Ÿ combines with the solvent radicals.


To achieve stability, the bromine (π΅π‘Ÿ) radical created during the initiation phase will interact with the alkene. The radical is drawn to the alkene's pi electrons. The stability of the produced intermediate radical is governed by the Anti- Markovnikov rule.


The reaction ends when 1 of the 2 reactants is depleted.


  • When humans breathe in oxygen (𝑂), it combines with glucose to produce carbon dioxide $\mathrm{(CO_{2})}$, water $\mathrm{(H_{2}O)}$, plus energy. Because carbon dioxide $\mathrm{(CO_{2})}$ is not needed in our bodies, it is exhaled.

  • Plants, unlike humans, utilise carbon dioxide (𝐢𝑂2)to create energy as well as oxygen through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis occurs when they inhale $\mathrm{(CO_{2})}$, and absorb water from their roots, but are in the presence of light.

  • $$\mathrm{C_{6}H_{12}O_{6}\:+\:O_{2}\:\rightarrow\:CO_{2}\:+\:H_{2}O\:+\:light}$$

  • Combustion βˆ’ You may see the process of combustion when you ignite a match or candles. When the candle's fuel reacts with oxygen molecules in the air, it creates water $\mathrm{(H_{2}O)}$ and carbon dioxide $\mathrm{(CO_{2})}$ as well as light energy.

What is Nuclear Reaction?

They are described or expressed as reactions that occur when 1 or 2 nuclei of an atom, element, or molecule clash with each other to generate new nuclei of an atom, element, or molecule. Scientists discovered that the continuous nuclear reaction releases a vast quantity of energy that may be kept as nuclear energy in reactors and is commonly referred to as nuclear power. The benefit of nuclear reactions is that even a tiny quantity may generate a significant amount of energy. Nuclear fission, as well as nuclear fusion, are the 2 kinds. Nuclear fission is a reaction that can be controlled by people, but the energy is uncontrollable, whereas nuclear fusion is the reaction that occurs in the sun, which is the main source of energy.


Deuterium plus tritium fuse, when their constituents combine to generate an atom of Helium (𝐻𝑒) as well as a fast neutron. Because of the recombination of 2 strong isotopes, the excess mass is subsequently transformed into Kinetic Energy. The nuclei should then be placed near the reaction so that the nuclear forces get charged as well as respond more effectively.


  • In nuclei with mass no. more than 200, alpha decay occurs when a 4𝐻𝑒 nucleus, also called an alpha particle, is freed from the parent nucleus.

  • The beta decay of 14𝐢 results in the creation of 14𝑁, when the element transforms into a new element and loses its identity.

  • Gamma emission may be seen in the de-excitation of the excited $\mathrm{thallium\:-\:234}$ nucleus (which is created from the alpha decay of $\mathrm{uranium\:-\:238}$)

Difference between a Chemical Reaction and Nuclear Reaction

Chemical Reactions Nuclear Reactions
It normally happens outside of an atom's nucleus. It takes place within the atom's nucleus.
It could or might not be reversible. They can be reversed.
Atoms maintain their identity and nucleus during chemical processes. Common salt, Atoms lose their identity as well as are transformed into a different element
sodium, and chlorine, for example, retain their identities in π‘π‘ŽπΆπ‘™. entirely. For instance, following beta decay, 𝐢 becomes 𝑁.
In chemical processes, an element's oxidation state is important. They are unaffected by the oxidation state. The nucleus of an atom is disintegrated and thus has nothing to do with electrons.
Isotopes of the same element go through the same chemical processes and do not vary. Different nuclear reactions can occur between isotopes of the same element.
In chemical processes, the energy change is small. They entail a significant amount of energy transformation.
The pace of chemical reactions is heavily influenced by temperature, pressure, and catalysts. The rate of a nuclear reaction is solely determined by nucleons.
They have no effect on the mass involved since the rule of conservation of mass applies. They cause mass change and do not obey the rule of conservation of mass.
They are the foundation of life, and they always occur all around you. It takes place within the atom's nucleus.
The creation of curd from milk owing to the activity of lactobacillus is a frequent example of a chemical reaction. A common instance of a nuclear reaction is the sun's continual nuclear fusion, which produces enough energy and light to power multiple planets in the solar system.
New bonds are always being formed. There are no new bonds created.


Many processes are investigated under the subject, including nuclear reactions as well as chemical reactions. These are the reactions that happen in our daily life, the cosmos, and so forth. Nuclear reactions result from nuclear fission as well as fusion, whereas chemical reactions result from the rearrangement of atoms, molecules, or elements. The incredible quantity of heat released during the nuclear reaction is indicated in millions of electron volts/individual nucleus, whereas the quantity of heat emitted is given in π½π‘œπ‘™/π‘šπ‘œπ‘™ or 𝐾𝐽/π‘šπ‘œπ‘™.


1. What exactly is a nuclear reactor?

A nuclear reactor, commonly referred to as an atomic pile, is a device used to initiate as well as regulate nuclear chain reactions or nuclear fusion processes. Nuclear reactors are used to generate electricity in nuclear power plants as well as for nuclear marine propulsion.

2. What sorts of chemical reactions exist?

There are several kinds of chemical reactions: Combustion reaction, Decomposition reaction, Neutralization reaction, Addition reaction, Precipitation reaction, and Displacement reaction.

3. What happens when temperature, pressure, and external molecules disrupt a molecule's steady equilibrium?

A chemical reaction occurs when a molecule's steady equilibrium is disrupted. Old bonds are broken, and the molecules react with the foreign molecule to generate new bonds with new physical as well as chemical characteristics. But elements do not lose their identity in these reactions; only molecules are altered.

4. What is the definition of a decomposition reaction?

A decomposition process occurs when compounds break down into simpler pieces. When Calcium Carbonate $\mathrm{(CaCO_{3})}$ is heated, it decomposes into Calcium Oxide $\mathrm{(CaO)}$ as well as Carbon Dioxide $\mathrm{(CO_{2})}$.


5. What exactly is a redox reaction?

It is a chemical process that involves both oxidation plus reduction. Electrons are transported between 2 reactants in a redox reaction.


Updated on: 20-Feb-2024


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