Difference between NoSQL and RDBMS

Most SQL databases are relational. Relational Databases are tabular and have a pre-determined schema that organizes the data logically. Database management solutions have evolved from the classic relational paradigm to the more flexible and scalable NoSQL approach.

Some say NoSQL stands for "non-SQL," but many refer to it as SQL. NoSQL is a non-relational database management system for certain data models. These data models don't need a schema and are scalable. It offers a system-supported alternative to relational databases' tabular format for storing and retrieving data. NoSQL databases don't require a certain schema. You can store data without worrying about schema design. These databases were developed to avoid the flaws of typical relational models. They prioritize speed and flexibility in data storage. Amazon, Facebook, and Google created these cutting-edge databases.

"RDBMS" abbreviates relational database management system. Since the 1970s, relational databases have been the most popular way to store data in rows and columns. Hierarchical and network database models' flaws influenced relational database. Relational databases are constructed of two-dimensional tables called relations. It includes pre-defined system tables for database operations and employs a tabular structure to describe all the data and its relationships. Users can only ask questions about the content, not change it. They're descriptive. It provides information in a tabular style, similar to a spreadsheet, and you may read and alter table data. Relational models are still popular database models.

What is NoSQL?

NoSQL may handle key-value, document, columnar, and graph data structures. NoSQL is a distributed, adaptive, scalable non-relational database. NoSQL databases lack a schema, support data clustering, replication, and eventual consistency. This differs from the ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) transaction consistency of relational and SQL databases, which ensures data accuracy. Many NoSQL databases use open-source software. A NoSQL database's simpler design enables for faster horizontal scaling to clusters of servers and granular control over availability. NoSQL databases use different data structures than relational databases, therefore some operations are faster. A NoSQL database's suitability depends on the problem it solves. NoSQL data architectures are more versatile than relational database tables.

Usage of NoSQL

Businesses and organizations are under pressure to innovate quickly, so they must maintain agility and operate at any scale. NoSQL databases feature flexible schemas and accept a range of data types, making them ideal for applications requiring huge data volumes and low latency. Online gaming and shopping apps are examples.

NoSQL is popular due to the following features −

  • Flexibility − With a SQL database, the way data is stored is much more rigid and set. But with NoSQL, data can be stored in a less structured way, without having to follow strict schemas. This design makes it possible to come up with new ideas and make applications quickly. Without having to worry about schemas, developers can focus on making systems that help their customers more.

  • High Performance − NoSQL databases are utilized in applications that collect terabytes of data every day and require a highly interactive user experience. Because NoSQL databases can also ingest data and deliver it rapidly and reliably, these databases are employed in apps that collect the data.

  • High Functional − NoSQL databases are developed specifically for distributed data stores that have exceptionally high requirements for the amount of data that can be stored. Because of this, NoSQL is the best option for applications dealing with huge data, real-time web apps, online shopping, online gaming, Internet of things, social networks.

  • Scalability − Instead of adding more servers to scale up, NoSQL databases can use cheap hardware to scale out. This can handle more traffic so that it can keep up with demand with no downtime. NoSQL databases can get bigger and more powerful by scaling out, which is why they are the best choice for data sets that are always changing.

What is RDBMS?

Relational Database Management System is the abbreviation of RDBMS. SQL and all other contemporary database management systems, including Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft Access, are built on top of RDBMS. Database management systems (DBMS) can be broken down into two categories: relational and nonrelational. Relational database management systems, or RDBMS, are based on the relational model that was developed by E. F. Codd.

A relational database connects data points and allows access to them. The relational paradigm clearly displays data in tables. This concept underpins relational databases. Each record in a relational database table is referred to as the key. Because data properties are kept in table columns and each record has a value for each attribute, it's easy to discover data associations.

Companies of all sizes use a simple and strong relational approach to meet information needs. Relational databases are used to manage mission-critical customer data, handle e-commerce transactions, track stocks, and more. Use a relational database when data items must be related and handled in a secure, rules-based, consistent manner. This database is useful for any need.

Difference between NoSQL and RDBMS

The following table highlights the major differences between NoSQL and RDBMS −

Basis of ComparisonNoSQLRDBMS
DefinitionNon-relational databases, often known as distributed databases, are another name for NoSQL databases.RDBMS, which stands for Relational Database Management Systems, is the most common name for SQL databases.
QueryNo declarative query languageSQL stands for Structured Query Language.
ScalabilityNoSQL databases are horizontally scalableRDBMS databases are vertically scalable
DesignNoSQL combines multiple database technologies. These databases were created in response to the application's requirements.Traditional RDBMS systems use SQL syntax and queries to get insights from data. Different OLAP systems use them.
SpeedNoSQL databases use denormalization to optimise themselves. One record stores all the query data. This simplifies finding matched records, which speeds up queries.Relational database models contain data in different tables; when running a query, you must integrate the information and set table-spanning restrictions. Because of so many tables, the database's query time is slow.


NoSQL databases do things differently because they know how important it is to work with data that has a more complicated structure than tables. In traditional relational models, data is stored in multiple tables, and joins are used to combine the data that is needed. This cuts the time it takes to do a query by a lot. NoSQL databases were made because there was a need to store a huge amount of data.

Updated on: 22-Jul-2022

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