Difference between Nonprofit and Foundation

It's safe to assume that everyone has heard the terms "foundation," "nonprofit," and "charity" before in the course of normal life. It is possible that we frequently use these terms interchangeably and erroneously. It will be demonstrated in the next section that while all of these phrases refer to organizations with the goal of helping the less fortunate in society, there are important differences between them in terms of how they are created, who rules them, and where their funding originates from.

What are Nonprofit Organizations?

This is a nonprofit with a specific social mission that invests its profits back into its operations rather than giving them to its members, shareholders, employees, or executives. If there is money left over after goals are met, it will be put back into the effort.

Nonprofits get funding from a wide range of entities, including private donors, public agencies, and corporate and institutional donors. The funds are then distributed to the designated charity. They do not have to pay taxes if they are engaged in legitimate academic, religious, educational, or scientific pursuits.

What is a Foundation?

A business corporation or a family may se rve as the philanthropic organization's founding donors. It's possible that the founding members of the family are involved. Once this is done, the money is invested, and the proceeds are used into the charity's ongoing work.

Foundations are a great source of funding for nonprofits and other charitable organizations since they provide grants and gifts. Not all private foundations that do not satisfy the criteria for public charities accept donations.

There are many different kinds of foundations.

  • Operating foundations − The foundation's charity activities include the disbursement of funds to continuing programs that benefit society; these programs must be financially viable on their own.

  • Nonoperating foundations − Foundations of this type are the most common, and their primary activity is funding other charities through grants or outright donations.

  • Private foundations − It might be an individual, a family, or a business that sets up and manages the foundation.

  • Public foundations − This category includes governmental and private foundations, as well as those funded by businesses and governments.

Similarities − Nonprofit and Foundation

  • The public, the volunteers, and the original organizations' sponsors are all accountable to both

  • Both groups are active in charitable work within their local communities.

Differences − Nonprofit and Foundation

The following table highlights how Nonprofit Organizations are different from Foundations −

Characteristics Nonprofit Foundation


The term "non-profit organization" is used to describe a group that is not in the business of making money for the benefit of its members, shareholders, employees, or leaders but rather to further its charitable mission.

A foundation is a nonprofit organization that gets its initial funding from the people or family that created it. It's possible, nonetheless, for a company to be among a foundation's original founders.


Nonprofits do not provide to other nonprofits in the form of gifts.

Charitable groups can apply to foundations for grants.


The government, corporate foundations, organizations, and individuals are only some of the many funding mechanisms.

When it comes to financing, public foundations can go to other public foundations, companies, and the government, whereas private foundations must rely on donations from people, businesses, or families.


The term "non-profit organization" is used to describe a group that is not in the business of making money for the benefit of its members, shareholders, employees, or leaders but rather to further its charitable mission. They do not contribute to the funding of other charity organizations but instead rely on grants from the government, foundations, institutions, and individuals for their own operations.

A foundation, on the other hand, is a charitable organization that is funded by its founders, who might be a business or a family. A family foundation is a type of foundation that supports an extended family. Their funding can come from anyone, from private organizations like foundations and corporations to public entities like the government or even private entities like individuals and families with established businesses. In contrast, both have maintained prominent charitable roles in their own societies.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2022


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